ciceroOslo / ciceroscm

Python version of the CICERO-SCM simple climate model/emulator
Apache License 2.0
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correct reference year used? #73

Closed ragnhibs closed 2 years ago

ragnhibs commented 2 years ago

Is the correct reference year used, or shifted one year for tropospheric ozone?

Parameter qo3 not in pamset. Using default value 0.4 Parameter ref_yr not in pamset. Using default value 2010 TROP_O3 0.400186 Name: 2011, dtype: float64

TROP_O3 0.396626 Name: 2010, dtype: float64

For aerosols ref_year 2010 looks ok:

Parameter qdirso2 not in pamset. Using default value -0.457 Parameter qindso2 not in pamset. Using default value -0.514 Parameter qbc not in pamset. Using default value 0.2 Parameter qoc not in pamset. Using default value -0.103

SO4_IND -0.519163 BC 0.202893 OC -0.104478 SO2 -0.461590 Name: 2011, dtype: float64

SO4_IND -0.514000 BC 0.200000 OC -0.103000 SO2 -0.457000 Name: 2010, dtype: float64