UMass has people from different timezones. We store the appointment times exactly as the supporters enter it, without taking into account there timezone. Now, when we show it, again, we disregard timezone, and so this brings a lot of issues. If we are displaying some time to a user, we need to display it in their timezone. Furthermore, if I am living in a timezone that is a day ahead of US time, I won't be able to schedule appointments that technically are still available.
UMass has people from different timezones. We store the appointment times exactly as the supporters enter it, without taking into account there timezone. Now, when we show it, again, we disregard timezone, and so this brings a lot of issues. If we are displaying some time to a user, we need to display it in their timezone. Furthermore, if I am living in a timezone that is a day ahead of US time, I won't be able to schedule appointments that technically are still available.