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Low Quality Animated Artwork #668

Closed lexog17 closed 1 week ago

lexog17 commented 2 weeks ago

Preflight Checklist

Download Source

Microsoft Store

Operating System

Windows 11

Commit Hash


Connect Instance ID


Build Timestamp

30/5/2024, 9:04:36

Describe the Bug

When starting the immersive view, I select the Sonoma layout of the Artwork, thus occupying the entire screen (a super interesting and cool option, thanks for that). But the problem comes with the playback of the animated artwork. Let's say the Artwork is a GIF. The moment it starts playing, it looks super blurry (which is understandable since it’s the first time it loads). After 2 or 3 seconds, the GIF loads at the desired maximum resolution (which can be changed in settings, I have it set to 8). But here comes the problem; when the GIF ends and starts to play again, it returns to its minimum resolution (blurry), which makes the immersive view (with animated artwork) a bit uncomfortable. I understand that this is normal due to the resolution loading process, but I don’t know if there’s any way to solve this. Anyway, thank you very much, I love this app!

Steps to Reproduce

1- Click on Inmersive View on Any album ( important: any album that has animated artwork )

2- Click on settings > Set Style > Sonoma

3- Return to settings and click on Animated Artwork ( to Activate it )

4- See the blurry artwork

After 2 or 3 seconds, the GIF loads at the desired maximum resolution (which can be changed in settings, I have it set to 8). But here comes the problem; when the GIF ends and starts to play again, it returns to its minimum resolution (blurry

Anything else?

No response

github-actions[bot] commented 2 weeks ago

Hello @lexog17 :wave:

We really appreciate you taking the time to report this issue, please double check your issue to make sure you are clear and concise in your description. This will help us to help you as quickly as possible.

We'd like to ask you be patient and we will get back to you as soon as we can.

In the meantime, take a look at our FAQs which may answer your question.

Thanks again and we hope you enjoy the app! :smiley:

coredev-uk commented 1 week ago
