ciderapp / Cider-2

Primary public repository for Cider 2.x
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No Audio Playback from Cider (not even shown in Volume Mixer on any output-device) #677

Closed thedogmaniac closed 6 days ago

thedogmaniac commented 1 week ago

Preflight Checklist

Download Source

Microsoft Store

Operating System

Windows 11

Commit Hash


Connect Instance ID


Build Timestamp

30/05/2024, 09:04:36

Describe the Bug

Sometimes when I open Cider, there is absolutely no sound output on any audio device I have connected. When I go to the Windows Volume Mixer, it doesn't even show up in there. I looked through every output-device I have, and it doesn't show up. This seems to happen randomly, I can't reproduce it on command. Only a computer restart fixes it. Only restarting Cider does not. But this only happens with Cider. Every other Program, Game, Music-Player works fine.

Steps to Reproduce

  1. Start Computer (Windows 11)
  2. Check Audio Device for Sound-Output
  3. Test Audio Output with Windows Volume Mixer.
  4. Open Cider (no sound output)
  5. Check Windows Volume Mixer to check if Cider is playing on another audio device
  6. Cider is nowhere to be found in the volume mixer, checked every single audio device
  7. Restart PC
  8. Cider plays back sound again and shows up in volume mixer.

Anything else?

No response

thedogmaniac commented 1 week ago

Update, it now suddenly works again without restarting my PC. Didn't know what exactly caused it, but it happened after I randomly clicked on the progress bar during a song. The missing sound still happens on my PC, but I guess after a few restarts it randomly does work. Was about the 4th restart of Cider and then clicking in the progress bar. If I can narrow down the behaviour, I'll write here.

coredev-uk commented 6 days ago

Probably down to a webview2 inconsistency, just clean install the application if it happens again.