cidgoh / DataHarmonizer

A standardized browser-based spreadsheet editor and validator that can be run offline and locally, and which includes templates for SARS-CoV-2 and Monkeypox sampling data. This project, created by the Centre for Infectious Disease Genomics and One Health (CIDGOH), at Simon Fraser University, is now an open-source collaboration with contributions from the National Microbiome Data Collaborative (NMDC), the LinkML development team, and others.
MIT License
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template meta builder (entry of select lists for lazy people) #212

Closed turbomam closed 2 years ago

turbomam commented 3 years ago

There is a geo_loc_name section in the CanCOGeN template. I assume somebody entered the content below mostly by hand?

I would be interested in a tool that could populate the following into the template just by specifying the parent term GAZ:00002561 'Province (Canada)'. Then the user could add, delete or modify any of that.

Or instead of a tool, it could just be some documentation/hints... see further down

Ontology ID Meaning (LinkML) parent class label
ID   SC %  
GAZ_00002566   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Alberta
GAZ_00002562   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) British Columbia
GAZ_00002571   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Manitoba
GAZ_00002570   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) New Brunswick
GAZ_00002567   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Newfoundland and Labrador
GAZ_00002575   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Northwest Territories
GAZ_00002565   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Nova Scotia
GAZ:00002574   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Nunavut
GAZ_00002563   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Ontario
GAZ_00002572   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Prince Edward Island
GAZ_00002569   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Quebec
GAZ_00002564   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Saskatchewan
GAZ_00002576   geo_loc_name (state/province/territory) Yukon

Sample documentation

"Run the following query at"

PREFIX  rdfs: <>
PREFIX  oio:  <>

SELECT  (str(?i) AS ?Ontology_ID) ("" AS ?Meaning_LinkML) 
("geo_loc_name (state/province/territory)" AS ?parent_class) (str(?l) AS ?label)
  { GRAPH <>
      { ?s  rdfs:subClassOf  GAZ:00002561 ;
            rdfs:label       ?l ;
            oio:id           ?i
turbomam commented 3 years ago

@cmungall is suggesting that I do as much of the template building by parsing the LinkML model of the various MIxS yaml files at

turbomam commented 3 years ago

So GAZ content isn't important to us and SPARQL against OntoBee isn't a solution we would probably use.

This issue is just a worked example on "how would you do automated template generation?"

ddooley commented 3 years ago

As a first step a LinkML version of DataHarmonizer would at least allow select field sources to identify the ontology vocabulary branch(es) to fetch terms from - but there would likely need to be features for placing constraints around that, like fetch terms to a certain depth. A past project offered a dynamic lookup service so that the project config files didn't need to have the whole vocabulary loaded. But this becomes a bit of a load when validation is required on such fields.

ddooley commented 3 years ago

P.s. our previous GAZ and DO dynamic lookup system went straight to OLS API. You can see it in action in example form - any of the "lookup choice" fields will provide a popup if you provide an initial choice to start from. (Its a prototype we would redo the code for btw). If OntoBee isn't a solution would OLS be for dynamic lookup?

turbomam commented 3 years ago

Thanks @ddooley

I think I was too eager to create an issue here. I'm well on my way to creating templates by parsing LinkML files. I think that should be self sufficient and not require any external lookups. I'll share my code soon.

direct answer to your question: yes, I use OLS a lot and using it for this poorly worded issue would make sense, if external lookups were required.

turbomam commented 3 years ago

Here's my work in progress for creating a DataHarmonizer template from a LinkML schema

I've shared the converted website as a github page

None of this is guaranteed to stay in the same location or to be up 100% of the time