Open travis-m-blimkie opened 1 month ago
Running bacpaq on Illumina reads seems to complete without issue, however the output aggregate report for Quast only contains the results for a single sample.
Script for slurm submission: #!/bin/bash #SBATCH --time=12:00:00 #SBATCH --cpus-per-task=8 #SBATCH --mem=32G #SBATCH --account=def-ahylee #SBATCH --output=Logs/slurm-%j-_nextflow_test_run.out module load StdEnv/2023 nextflow/24.04.4 apptainer/1.2.4 nextflow run cidgoh/bacpaq \ -r v1.0.1 \ -profile cedar,singularity \ --account df-ahylee \ --input sample_sheet_test_25.csv \ --outdir Nextflow_results_test_25 \ --genome_size 5700000 \ --depth_cut_off 40 \ --trim_tool trimmomatic \ --skip_kraken2 true \ --confindr_db /home/tblimkie/.confindr_db \ --skip_taxonomy_qc true \ --skip_dehosting true \ --sr_assembler spades \ --skip_porechop true \ --skip_subsampling true \ --skip_pycoqc true \ --skip_checkm true \ --skip_busco true \ --skip_gene_annotation true \ --skip_prokka true \ --skip_bakta true \ --skip_abricate true \ --skip_amr_annotation true \ --skip_rgi true \ --skip_abritamr true \ --skip_amrfinderplus true \ --skip_phage_annotation true \ --skip_mobsuite true \ --skip_plasmidfinder true \ --skip_crispr true \ --skip_roary true \ --skip_pirate true
nextflow.log quast.log
Nextflow version: 24.04.4 Hardware: Cedar Executor: slurm Container engine: singularity OS: Alma Linux Version of bacpaq: v1.0.1
Description of the bug
Running bacpaq on Illumina reads seems to complete without issue, however the output aggregate report for Quast only contains the results for a single sample.
Command used and terminal output
Relevant files
nextflow.log quast.log
System information
Nextflow version: 24.04.4 Hardware: Cedar Executor: slurm Container engine: singularity OS: Alma Linux Version of bacpaq: v1.0.1