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Unexpected results returned by Optimize #497

Closed liunelson closed 4 months ago

liunelson commented 4 months ago

I'm trying to do some test runs of Optimize following the interface notebook.

Here, I'm applying an intervention on a basic SIR model by changing the value of p_cbeta at t = 15.0 days, optimizing this value to minimize the risk that the 3-day average of I(t) at t = 50.0 days is > 50.0.

This function call runs without error.

However, the results are unexpected:

Screenshot 2024-02-22 at 1 05 01 PM

model3 = os.path.join(MODELS_PATH, "SIR_stockflow.json")

# Specify time
start_time = 0.0
end_time = 50.0
logging_step_size = 1.0

intervention_time = torch.tensor(15.0)

intervened_params = "p_cbeta"
p_cbeta_current = model3_tm.parameters[intervened_params].value
initial_guess_interventions = p_cbeta_current
bounds_interventions = [

# Define QoI
observed_params = ["I_state"]
qoi = lambda x: obs_nday_average_qoi(x, observed_params, 3)
risk_bound = 50.0

objfun = lambda x: np.abs(p_cbeta_current - x)
static_parameter_interventions = {intervention_time: intervened_params}

opt_result = pyciemss.optimize(
    initial_guess_interventions = initial_guess_interventions, 
    bounds_interventions = bounds_interventions, 
    start_time = 0.0, 
    n_samples_ouu = int(1e2), 
    maxiter = 1, 
    maxfeval = 20, 
    solver_method = "euler"
liunelson commented 4 months ago

@anirban-chaudhuri Does this make sense to you?

anirban-chaudhuri commented 4 months ago

I am not sure. Can you send me the entire file with the plotting code? I can take a look to see if something is going wrong.

liunelson commented 4 months ago

You can take a look here:

anirban-chaudhuri commented 4 months ago

I believe the parameter value is not getting saved properly in the results dictionary when there is an intervention with the sample interface, That is why you are seeing the strange result for the p_cbeta plots. I have created #499 to address the issue with the saved parameter value. I am still looking through the optimize interface to see if it is giving strange results. I think it might be doing what it is supposed to but there is no policy that satisfies the constraint in the provided bounds. Let me check this though. When I ran it, it shows that the constraints are not satisfied. I believe for this SIR problem it is might not be possible to get the (risk associated with) infections <50.

anirban-chaudhuri commented 4 months ago

I think that optimize interface is working. I believe the issue was that there was no optimal policy to be found in the given range for the parameters. I modified the bound and the initial guess (so that it starts at a feasible location) and added your code along with the plots in (I added your code bits to the end of the notebook) @liunelson Can you take a look to see if this resolves the issue? We might have to give more guidance on how to interpret the optimize interface results (e.g., at least the OptResults key needs to be checked to see whether it gave a feasible solution).

liunelson commented 4 months ago

Your explanation from yesterday makes sense; switching to dopri5 and looking at the message in OptResults help me understand what happened.

liunelson commented 4 months ago

I'll get Terarium to surface the message in OptResult