cienicera / p5.js-mint

The p5.js Editor is a website that integrates p5.js, a popular JavaScript library used for creative coding and visual arts, with the functionality to mint SVG NFTs on Starknet. The project aims to provide a streamlined process for generative artists to create and mint unique digital art pieces as NFTs directly from their p5.js code.
GNU Lesser General Public License v2.1
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Error Handling for Minting Process #10

Open caseywescott opened 1 month ago

caseywescott commented 1 month ago

Increasing Access

Add error messages and recovery options if minting fails or encounters issues.

This task involves identifying potential issues that could occur during the minting process, implementing strategies to handle these errors gracefully, and providing clear feedback to users. Effective error handling minimizes frustration, helps users resolve issues quickly, and ensures the overall stability of the platform.

Feature enhancement details


Identify Potential Errors:

Network Issues: Handle cases where the user’s internet connection is lost or unstable, resulting in failed or delayed transactions.

Wallet Connection Issues: Address errors related to connecting or authenticating the user’s Starknet wallet, such as rejected connections or timeouts.

Insufficient Funds: Detect and inform users if they have insufficient funds (e.g., ETH for gas fees) in their wallet to complete the minting transaction.

Smart Contract Errors: Manage errors that arise from interacting with the smart contract, such as invalid SVG data, contract rejections, or out-of-gas errors.

Transaction Timeouts: Handle scenarios where transactions are stuck in pending state for an extended period or fail due to network congestion.

Implement Error Detection and Logging:

Use the Starknet JS to listen for errors during the minting process and log these errors for further analysis. Ensure that the application captures error codes and messages from both the wallet and the Starknet network, providing detailed information on what went wrong.

Design User-Friendly Error Messages:

Create clear and concise error messages that explain the issue in simple terms. Avoid technical jargon that might confuse users.

Provide actionable steps within the error message, such as "Please check your internet connection and try again" or "Ensure your wallet has sufficient funds for gas fees."

Use consistent styling and placement for error messages to ensure they are easily noticed without being intrusive. Develop Recovery Strategies:

Retry Mechanism: Allow users to retry failed transactions without losing their progress or needing to start the process from scratch.

Transaction Cancellation: Provide users with the option to cancel transactions that are taking too long to process or have encountered an error, with guidance on what to do next.

Fallback Options: Implement fallback options, such as switching to a different network or re-establishing wallet connection, if the initial attempt fails.

Real-Time Error Handling:

Implement real-time error detection and handling during the minting process. For example, if an error is detected while sending a transaction, immediately inform the user and provide options to resolve the issue. Use loading indicators or progress bars that can adapt to errors by showing error states or options to retry.

Testing Error Scenarios:

Create test cases for all identified error scenarios, simulating different conditions (e.g., network loss, insufficient funds) to ensure the error handling works as expected.

Test error handling across different devices and browsers to ensure consistent behavior. User Experience Considerations:

Minimize disruptions caused by errors, allowing users to continue using the platform or attempt the minting process again without major interruptions.

Ensure that error handling flows are as smooth and non-intrusive as possible, maintaining a positive user experience even when issues arise.

Monitor and Improve Error Handling:

Monitor the platform for common errors after deployment, analyzing logs to identify recurring issues or patterns. Gather user feedback on error handling experiences to identify areas for improvement.

Regularly update error handling strategies based on new types of errors that emerge or changes in the platform’s infrastructure.

manoahLinks commented 3 weeks ago

@caseywescott i will love to work on this

onlydustapp[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @manoahLinks! Maintainers during the ODHack # 7.0 will be tracking applications via OnlyDust. Therefore, in order for you to have a chance at being assigned to this issue, please apply directly here, or else your application may not be considered.

martinvibes commented 3 weeks ago

hello @caseywescott can i be assigned to this as it'll be my first time contributing to this repo

onlydustapp[bot] commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @martinvibes! Maintainers during the ODHack # 7.0 will be tracking applications via OnlyDust. Therefore, in order for you to have a chance at being assigned to this issue, please apply directly here, or else your application may not be considered.

BenFaruna commented 3 weeks ago

I am applying to this issue via OnlyDust platform.

My background and how it can be leveraged

Hello, I am a software engineer with over 4 years of experience, with over 2 years writing JavaScript. I have experience working with smart contract integration and error handling as I have done for several projects for hackathons.

How I plan on tackling this issue

Firstly I would take time to understand the codebase and the aspects of the code base that requires error handling and recovery. Then I would confirm the appropriate recovery for every error type based on the issue documentation.

I would implement the error handling and recovery and write test cases to check how the application reacts to such cases.

renzobanegass commented 3 weeks ago

I am applying to this issue via OnlyDust platform.

My background and how it can be leveraged

Hey, I'm Renzo, a Software Engineer with over 5+ years of experience in the industry, and also a member of Dojo Coding, I have worked for a variety of projects in Web2 like Stumble Guys and Trivia Crack, and I've been contributing in Web3 since last month, I would love to help you with this issue.

How I plan on tackling this issue

To approach this issue I will follow this plan: Identify Potential Errors

Implement Error Detection and Logging

Develop Recovery Strategies

Real-Time Error Handling

Testing Error Scenarios

User Experience Considerations


Submit a PR Once all the enhancements are implemented and tested, submit a pull request with a detailed explanation of the changes. Include any relevant test results and documentation updates.

Follow up on feedback Follow up on any feedback requested on the PR efficiently.

JorgeOehrens commented 3 weeks ago

I am applying to this issue via OnlyDust platform.

My background and how it can be leveraged

I have extensive experience in full-stack development with a strong focus on integrating blockchain technology into web applications. My work includes implementing robust error handling in blockchain-based projects, particularly in scenarios where user interactions with smart contracts are critical. I’m well-versed in managing issues related to network stability, wallet connections, and transaction processing, ensuring that users receive clear guidance and seamless recovery options. This expertise will allow me to effectively enhance the error handling and recovery mechanisms for the minting process in your platform.

How I plan on tackling this issue

To approach this task, I would begin by identifying potential errors in the minting process, such as network issues, wallet connection problems, and smart contract errors. I’d implement error detection using Starknet JS, logging detailed information for analysis. I would then design user-friendly error messages that guide users through resolving issues. Recovery strategies like retry mechanisms, transaction cancellations, and fallback options would be developed to ensure a smooth user experience. Finally, I’d thoroughly test these error scenarios across devices and browsers, continuously monitoring and improving error handling based on user feedback and logs.

Psalmuel01 commented 3 weeks ago

I am applying to this issue via OnlyDust platform.

My background and how it can be leveraged

I am a Web3 frontend developer with 2 years of experience and a strong obsession with creating great user experiences. My expertise in frontend development and blockchain integration allows me to enhance the error handling for the minting feature, ensuring a smooth and intuitive user journey. I’ve worked on similar projects where I identified and fixed potential issues, always prioritizing a seamless user experience. My familiarity with Starknet and smart contracts will help me efficiently address any blockchain-related challenges, keeping the platform both user-friendly and reliable.

How I plan on tackling this issue

I like to be short and concise. Here's what I will do:

Identify Errors: Network issues, wallet problems, low funds, contract errors, transaction timeouts.

Implement Detection: Use Starknet JS to log and monitor errors.

Show User-Friendly Messages: Clear, actionable error messages.

Recovery Options: Retry failed transactions, cancel stalled ones, switch networks if needed.

Real-Time Handling: Immediate feedback and adaptive UI for errors.

Testing & Monitoring: Simulate errors, test across platforms, and monitor post-launch.

MachoMaheen commented 2 weeks ago

I am applying to this issue via OnlyDust platform.

My background and how it can be leveraged

I am a senior undergraduate student pursuing a BTech in Computer Science and Engineering with a robust background in blockchain development and full-stack web development. My experience includes developing and deploying smart contracts on various blockchains, including StarkNet, and ensuring their seamless integration with front-end applications. I have a strong command of the Cairo programming language, which I’ve used in hackathons like StarkNet, and have worked with tools like Starknet.JS SDK for connecting smart contracts with web interfaces.

My work at Spathion Labs as a Full Stack Blockchain Developer involved ensuring the security and reliability of DeFi smart contracts on the Shardeum Blockchain. This required meticulous attention to error handling and user experience, particularly when it came to transaction processing and wallet interactions. Additionally, in my project for Certify-ETH at ETHIndia 2022, I implemented robust error-handling mechanisms to ensure the stability of the platform during the minting and verification of digital certificates.

These experiences have equipped me with the skills needed to effectively identify potential issues during the minting process, design user-friendly error messages, and implement recovery strategies that enhance the user experience on blockchain platforms.

How I plan on tackling this issue

To address the problem of error handling in the minting process, I would take a structured approach as follows:

1.Identify Potential Errors:
   - Network Issues: Implement checks for network connectivity and monitor the stability of the user's connection during the minting process. If the connection is lost, the system should inform the user and offer options to retry or resume once the connection is restored.
   - Wallet Connection Issues: Detect and handle errors related to wallet connections, such as failed authentication, rejected connections, or timeouts. This can include providing clear instructions to the user for reconnecting their wallet or resolving connection issues.
   - Insufficient Funds: Implement checks to ensure users have enough funds in their wallet for gas fees before initiating the minting process. If insufficient funds are detected, the user should be informed immediately with an option to add more funds.
   - Smart Contract Errors: Handle errors that occur during the interaction with the smart contract, such as invalid SVG data or out-of-gas errors. The system should provide specific feedback based on the error codes returned from the contract.
   - Transaction Timeouts: Monitor transaction status and handle scenarios where transactions are pending for too long due to network congestion. The user should be informed of the delay and provided with options to retry, cancel, or switch to a less congested network.

2. Implement Error Detection and Logging:
    Utilize the Starknet.JS SDK to detect and log errors during the minting process. Ensure that both wallet-related and network-related errors are captured with detailed information, including error codes and messages. This logging will be crucial for debugging and improving the system over time.

3. Design User-Friendly Error Messages:
    Develop error messages that are clear, concise, and free of technical jargon. For example, messages like "Please check your internet connection and try again" or "Insufficient funds for gas fees" should be displayed prominently. The messages should also include actionable steps to resolve the issues.
    Ensure that error messages are styled consistently across the platform and placed in locations where users can easily notice them without being disruptive.

4. Develop Recovery Strategies:
    Implement a retry mechanism that allows users to reattempt failed transactions without losing their progress. This would involve saving the current state of the transaction and re-submitting it once the user opts to retry.
    Provide users with an option to cancel transactions that are taking too long and guide them on what steps to take next. This could include suggesting alternative networks or re-establishing a wallet connection.
    Implement fallback options such as switching to a different network or re-authenticating the wallet if the initial attempt fails. These options should be presented to the user in a seamless manner to minimize disruption.

5. Real-Time Error Handling:
    Integrate real-time error detection and handling during the minting process. For example, if a transaction error is detected while sending data to the smart contract, the system should immediately inform the user and provide options to resolve the issue. Progress indicators should adapt to errors, showing states like "Retry" or "Error Detected."

6. Testing Error Scenarios:
    Create comprehensive test cases for all identified error scenarios, simulating different conditions such as network loss or insufficient funds. This will ensure that the error-handling mechanisms work as expected across various situations.
    Conduct tests across different devices and browsers to ensure consistent error handling behavior and user experience.

7. User Experience Considerations:
    Design error-handling flows to be as smooth and non-intrusive as possible, allowing users to continue using the platform or retrying the minting process without major interruptions. The goal is to maintain a positive user experience even when errors occur.

8. Monitor and Improve Error Handling:
    After deployment, monitor the platform for common errors and analyze logs to identify recurring issues. User feedback will be crucial in identifying areas for improvement, and I would continuously update error-handling strategies based on new error types and platform changes.
martinvibes commented 2 weeks ago

I am applying to this issue via OnlyDust platform.

My background and how it can be leveraged

i'm a frontend and blockchain developer and would love to take on this issue if i'm giving a chance

How I plan on tackling this issue

Identify Errors: Address network issues, wallet connection problems, insufficient funds, smart contract errors, and transaction timeouts. Error Detection & Logging: Use Starknet JS to capture and log errors with detailed information. User-Friendly Messages: Provide clear, actionable error messages and maintain consistent styling. Recovery Strategies: Include options for retrying transactions, canceling them, and fallback solutions. Real-Time Handling: Implement real-time error detection with indicators and progress bars. Testing: Simulate error scenarios and test across devices and browsers. User Experience: Minimize disruptions and ensure smooth handling of errors. Monitor & Improve: Analyze error logs and user feedback to continuously enhance error handling.

Ugo-X commented 2 weeks ago

I am applying to this issue via OnlyDust platform.

My background and how it can be leveraged

I am a Full Stack blockchain Developer with expertise in Next.js, Nest.js, TypeScript, JavaScript, React, Node.js, Three.js, and Solidity. My journey with OnlyDust hackathons began at Edition 1, and I've since made 54 contributions across 13 projects. With my extensive experience on the OnlyDust platform (profile:, I've honed my skills in delivering quality solutions under pressure. I bring a unique blend of technical proficiency and user-focused design to every project, whether it's crafting immersive 3D experiences or developing smart contracts. My track record shows I can adapt quickly and contribute effectively to diverse challenges. As we surf through Edition 7, I'm excited to leverage my skills and hackathon experience to push the boundaries of blockchain development. I'm confident in my ability to tackle new challenges and drive innovation in this space.

How I plan on tackling this issue

This is the way I will go about solving the issue:

  1. I will begin by conducting a thorough analysis of potential error scenarios:

    • I will identify and categorize common minting failures
    • I will examine network, wallet, and smart contract related issues
  2. I will implement a comprehensive error detection system:

    • I will integrate Starknet JS for real-time error monitoring
    • I will set up logging mechanisms to capture detailed error information
  3. I will design a user-friendly error messaging system:

    • I will create clear, concise, and actionable error messages
    • I will implement a consistent error display format across the platform
  4. I will develop robust recovery strategies:

    • I will create a retry mechanism for failed transactions
    • I will implement a transaction cancellation feature
    • I will design fallback options like network switching
  5. I will enhance the platform with real-time error handling:

    • I will integrate error detection directly into the minting process
    • I will develop adaptive UI elements to reflect error states
  6. I will conduct extensive testing of the error handling system:

    • I will create and run test cases for various error scenarios
    • I will ensure compatibility across different devices and browsers
  7. I will optimize the overall user experience:

    • I will minimize disruptions caused by errors
    • I will streamline the error recovery process for users
  8. I will establish a continuous improvement system:

    • I will set up error monitoring and analysis tools
    • I will implement a feedback mechanism for user-reported issues
Jemiiah commented 4 days ago

I would love to work on this issue kindly assign @caseywescott