Collection of node logs and analysis took: 366.111174ms
Failing tests:
[sig-network] NetworkPolicyLegacy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should allow egress access to server in CIDR block [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicyLegacy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should ensure an IP overlapping both IPBlock.CIDR and IPBlock.Except is allowed [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]
[sig-network] NetworkPolicyLegacy [LinuxOnly] NetworkPolicy between server and client should not allow access by TCP when a policy specifies only SCTP [Feature:NetworkPolicy] [Skipped:Network/OpenShiftSDN/Multitenant] [Suite:openshift/conformance/parallel] [Suite:k8s]
Suite run returned error: 3 fail, 66 pass, 0 skip (8m9s)
error: 3 fail, 66 pass, 0 skip (8m9s)
cni test result ✅