Closed vsxen closed 3 years ago
Could you share the outputs of bpftool net
, bpftool cgroup tree
, ip a
, and ip r show table all
root@ubuntu-focal:/home/vagrant# bpftool net
root@ubuntu-focal:/home/vagrant# bpftool cgroup tree
ID AttachType AttachFlags Name
6 ingress
5 egress
4 ingress
3 egress
8 ingress
7 egress
root@ubuntu-focal:/home/vagrant# ip a
1: lo: <LOOPBACK,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 65536 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default qlen 1000
link/loopback 00:00:00:00:00:00 brd 00:00:00:00:00:00
inet scope host lo
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 ::1/128 scope host
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
2: enp0s3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 02:b7:1d:9c:e0:75 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global dynamic enp0s3
valid_lft 80097sec preferred_lft 80097sec
inet6 fe80::b7:1dff:fe9c:e075/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
3: enp0s8: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1500 qdisc fq_codel state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether 08:00:27:ee:5b:d1 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global enp0s8
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::a00:27ff:feee:5bd1/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
4: flannel.1: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue state UNKNOWN group default
link/ether 5e:28:7c:3a:39:51 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global flannel.1
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::5c28:7cff:fe3a:3951/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
5: cni0: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue state UP group default qlen 1000
link/ether a2:f1:c7:0d:ce:1b brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff
inet brd scope global cni0
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
inet6 fe80::a0f1:c7ff:fe0d:ce1b/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
6: veth2c6e4fca@if3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue master cni0 state UP group default
link/ether 5a:96:52:d0:0a:2a brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netns cni-55a94570-b30e-1159-bade-0a0ad13b3aa2
inet6 fe80::5896:52ff:fed0:a2a/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
7: vethe1870759@if3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue master cni0 state UP group default
link/ether a2:31:c4:17:0e:22 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netns cni-fd802ac6-7a70-d297-a431-b6d5aa1e2aaa
inet6 fe80::a031:c4ff:fe17:e22/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
8: veth7efb195d@if3: <BROADCAST,MULTICAST,UP,LOWER_UP> mtu 1450 qdisc noqueue master cni0 state UP group default
link/ether 56:66:ef:b6:21:40 brd ff:ff:ff:ff:ff:ff link-netns cni-904782d5-75fc-4978-56a7-8aee0575c5e9
inet6 fe80::5466:efff:feb6:2140/64 scope link
valid_lft forever preferred_lft forever
root@ubuntu-focal:/home/vagrant# ip r show table all
default via dev enp0s3 proto dhcp src metric 100 dev enp0s3 proto kernel scope link src dev enp0s3 proto dhcp scope link src metric 100 dev cni0 proto kernel scope link src dev enp0s8 proto kernel scope link src
broadcast dev enp0s3 table local proto kernel scope link src
local dev enp0s3 table local proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev enp0s3 table local proto kernel scope link src
local dev flannel.1 table local proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev flannel.1 table local proto kernel scope link src
broadcast dev cni0 table local proto kernel scope link src
local dev cni0 table local proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev cni0 table local proto kernel scope link src
broadcast dev lo table local proto kernel scope link src
local dev lo table local proto kernel scope host src
local dev lo table local proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev lo table local proto kernel scope link src
broadcast dev enp0s8 table local proto kernel scope link src
local dev enp0s8 table local proto kernel scope host src
broadcast dev enp0s8 table local proto kernel scope link src
::1 dev lo proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev enp0s8 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev enp0s3 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev flannel.1 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev cni0 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev veth2c6e4fca proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev vethe1870759 proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
fe80::/64 dev veth7efb195d proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
local ::1 dev lo table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
local fe80::b7:1dff:fe9c:e075 dev enp0s3 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
local fe80::a00:27ff:feee:5bd1 dev enp0s8 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
local fe80::5466:efff:feb6:2140 dev veth7efb195d table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
local fe80::5896:52ff:fed0:a2a dev veth2c6e4fca table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
local fe80::5c28:7cff:fe3a:3951 dev flannel.1 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
local fe80::a031:c4ff:fe17:e22 dev vethe1870759 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
local fe80::a0f1:c7ff:fe0d:ce1b dev cni0 table local proto kernel metric 0 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev enp0s8 table local proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev enp0s3 table local proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev flannel.1 table local proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev cni0 table local proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev veth2c6e4fca table local proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev vethe1870759 table local proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
multicast ff00::/8 dev veth7efb195d table local proto kernel metric 256 pref medium
I don't see any traces of Cilium anywhere. There doesn't seem to be any BPF programs from Cilium left or even any Cilium-specific interfaces.
Maybe you need to recreate the CoreDNS pods for Flannel to correctly take them into account? We sometimes need to do that with Cilium.
I had recreate the CoreDNS pods for Flannel.
I alos try to clean iptables, but not work.
It seems pod can't access CoreDNS Service IP
root@ubuntu-focal:/home/vagrant# kubectl exec -it nginx-7fb7fd49b4-25cpt sh
kubectl exec [POD] [COMMAND] is DEPRECATED and will be removed in a future version. Use kubectl exec [POD] -- [COMMAND] instead.
/ # nslookup
;; connection timed out; no servers could be reached
/ # nslookup
Non-authoritative answer: canonical name =
Non-authoritative answer: canonical name =
root@ubuntu-focal:/home/vagrant# iptables-save |grep cilium
-A PREROUTING -m comment --comment "cilium-feeder: CILIUM_PRE_raw" -j CILIUM_PRE_raw
-A OUTPUT -m comment --comment "cilium-feeder: CILIUM_OUTPUT_raw" -j CILIUM_OUTPUT_raw
-A CILIUM_OUTPUT_raw -o lxc+ -m mark --mark 0xa00/0xfffffeff -m comment --comment "cilium: NOTRACK for proxy return traffic" -j NOTRACK
-A CILIUM_OUTPUT_raw -o cilium_host -m mark --mark 0xa00/0xfffffeff -m comment --comment "cilium: NOTRACK for proxy return traffic" -j NOTRACK
-A CILIUM_PRE_raw -m mark --mark 0x200/0xf00 -m comment --comment "cilium: NOTRACK for proxy traffic" -j NOTRACK
-A PREROUTING -m comment --comment "cilium-feeder: CILIUM_PRE_mangle" -j CILIUM_PRE_mangle
-A POSTROUTING -m comment --comment "cilium-feeder: CILIUM_POST_mangle" -j CILIUM_POST_mangle
-A CILIUM_PRE_mangle -m socket --transparent -m comment --comment "cilium: any->pod redirect proxied traffic to host proxy" -j MARK --set-xmark 0x200/0xffffffff
-A CILIUM_PRE_mangle -p tcp -m mark --mark 0xa7a60200 -m comment --comment "cilium: TPROXY to host cilium-dns-egress proxy" -j TPROXY --on-port 42663 --on-ip --tproxy-mark 0x200/0xffffffff
-A CILIUM_PRE_mangle -p udp -m mark --mark 0xa7a60200 -m comment --comment "cilium: TPROXY to host cilium-dns-egress proxy" -j TPROXY --on-port 42663 --on-ip --tproxy-mark 0x200/0xffffffff
-A INPUT -m comment --comment "cilium-feeder: CILIUM_INPUT" -j CILIUM_INPUT
-A FORWARD -m comment --comment "cilium-feeder: CILIUM_FORWARD" -j CILIUM_FORWARD
-A OUTPUT -m comment --comment "cilium-feeder: CILIUM_OUTPUT" -j CILIUM_OUTPUT
-A CILIUM_FORWARD -o cilium_host -m comment --comment "cilium: any->cluster on cilium_host forward accept" -j ACCEPT
-A CILIUM_FORWARD -i cilium_host -m comment --comment "cilium: cluster->any on cilium_host forward accept (nodeport)" -j ACCEPT
-A CILIUM_FORWARD -i lxc+ -m comment --comment "cilium: cluster->any on lxc+ forward accept" -j ACCEPT
-A CILIUM_FORWARD -i cilium_net -m comment --comment "cilium: cluster->any on cilium_net forward accept (nodeport)" -j ACCEPT
-A CILIUM_INPUT -m mark --mark 0x200/0xf00 -m comment --comment "cilium: ACCEPT for proxy traffic" -j ACCEPT
-A CILIUM_OUTPUT -m mark --mark 0xa00/0xfffffeff -m comment --comment "cilium: ACCEPT for proxy return traffic" -j ACCEPT
-A CILIUM_OUTPUT -m mark ! --mark 0xe00/0xf00 -m mark ! --mark 0xd00/0xf00 -m mark ! --mark 0xa00/0xe00 -m comment --comment "cilium: host->any mark as from host" -j MARK --set-xmark 0xc00/0xf00
-A PREROUTING -m comment --comment "cilium-feeder: CILIUM_PRE_nat" -j CILIUM_PRE_nat
-A OUTPUT -m comment --comment "cilium-feeder: CILIUM_OUTPUT_nat" -j CILIUM_OUTPUT_nat
-A POSTROUTING -m comment --comment "cilium-feeder: CILIUM_POST_nat" -j CILIUM_POST_nat
Ah right. Forgot about iptables rules. You can try to remove all references to CILIUM_xxx
I alos try to clean iptables, but not work.
Is there anything else left over by Cilium that makes you think this is a Cilium issue?
root@ubuntu-focal:/home/vagrant# bpftool map
56: lpm_trie flags 0x1
key 24B value 12B max_entries 512000 memlock 36868096B
57: percpu_hash flags 0x1
key 8B value 16B max_entries 1024 memlock 114688B
59: lru_hash flags 0x0
key 16B value 8B max_entries 65536 memlock 5771264B
60: hash flags 0x1
key 12B value 12B max_entries 65536 memlock 6295552B
61: hash flags 0x1
key 2B value 8B max_entries 65536 memlock 5246976B
71: hash flags 0x1
key 8B value 1B max_entries 65536 memlock 5246976B
72: lru_hash flags 0x0
key 16B value 16B max_entries 65536 memlock 6295552B
root@ubuntu-focal:/home/vagrant# bpftool prog
16: cgroup_skb tag 6deef7357e7b4530 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:57:39+0000 uid 0
xlated 64B jited 61B memlock 4096B
17: cgroup_skb tag 6deef7357e7b4530 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:57:39+0000 uid 0
xlated 64B jited 61B memlock 4096B
18: cgroup_skb tag 6deef7357e7b4530 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:57:39+0000 uid 0
xlated 64B jited 61B memlock 4096B
19: cgroup_skb tag 6deef7357e7b4530 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:57:39+0000 uid 0
xlated 64B jited 61B memlock 4096B
20: cgroup_skb tag 6deef7357e7b4530 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:57:39+0000 uid 0
xlated 64B jited 61B memlock 4096B
21: cgroup_skb tag 6deef7357e7b4530 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:57:39+0000 uid 0
xlated 64B jited 61B memlock 4096B
338: cgroup_sock_addr tag 15a8c6f9177be7b9 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:59:15+0000 uid 0
xlated 4640B jited 2674B memlock 8192B map_ids 60,56,72,71,61,57,59
339: cgroup_sock_addr tag 7f383f31771b3b0d gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:59:16+0000 uid 0
xlated 4568B jited 2622B memlock 8192B map_ids 60,56,72,71,61,57,59
340: cgroup_sock_addr tag f776a817138e2b71 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:59:18+0000 uid 0
xlated 2136B jited 1229B memlock 4096B map_ids 59,60,56,57
341: cgroup_sock_addr tag a9d709bb5dacdcd3 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:59:19+0000 uid 0
xlated 4376B jited 2544B memlock 8192B map_ids 60,56,72,71,61,57,59
342: cgroup_sock_addr tag b377656c1fe66f82 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:59:20+0000 uid 0
xlated 4304B jited 2492B memlock 8192B map_ids 60,56,72,71,61,57,59
343: cgroup_sock_addr tag 50e331df2a3f7662 gpl
loaded_at 2021-09-03T14:59:21+0000 uid 0
xlated 1856B jited 1092B memlock 4096B map_ids 59,60,56,57
Were any of these BPF programs installed by Cilium?
May be ,after reboot vm bpf map is empty .
What's the output of sudo bpftool cgroup show /var/run/cilium/cgroupv2
Cilium agent should clean up its attached BPF programs using the bpf_clear_cgroup
function -
It is empty. cilium cleanup
command will delete /var/run/cilium
& /var/lib/cilium
Bug report
General Information
How to reproduce the issue