cilium / cilium

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cilium does not create Gateway class #33239

Closed hellt closed 2 days ago

hellt commented 2 weeks ago

Is there an existing issue for this?

What happened?

I have installed the v1.0.0 Gateway API CRDs and after that performed an install of Cilium using the following:

helm template \
cilium \
cilium/cilium \
--version 1.16.0-pre.3 \
--namespace kube-system \
-f cilium-values.yml \
> talos/cilium-manifest.yml

the inputs file is:

  mode: kubernetes
kubeProxyReplacement: true
    cleanCiliumState: [NET_ADMIN, SYS_ADMIN, SYS_RESOURCE]
    enabled: false
  hostRoot: /sys/fs/cgroup
k8sServiceHost: localhost
k8sServicePort: 7445
  enabled: true
    enabled: true

Then I proceed with installing the gateway:

kind: Gateway
  name: my-gateway
  namespace: test
  gatewayClassName: cilium
    - protocol: HTTP
      port: 8080
      name: web-gw
          from: Same

But then cilium-operator complains that no cilium gateway class is available:

2024-06-18 16:57:07.650Z cilium-operator-c85775f8d-dcn5n time="2024-06-18T16:57:07Z" level=error msg="Unable to get GatewayClass" controller=gateway error=" \"cilium\" not found" resource=my-gateway subsys=gateway-controller

I wonder, how do I identify why the operator did not create the gateway class?

Cilium Version


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Kubernetes Version



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mhofstetter commented 2 weeks ago

Hey @hellt :wave:

The GatewayClass is part of the Cilium Helm Chart (and not created by the Cilium Operator).

The GatewayClass only gets installed if Gateway API is enabled and the CRD with the expected API version is installed on the cluster.

It uses .Capabilities.APIVersions.Has where Helm makes a request to the cluster during an installation (helm install).

When using helm template one has to manually pass the additional supported CRDs. It's also recommended to do the same with the k8s version.

--api-versions strings                       Kubernetes api versions used for Capabilities.APIVersions
--kube-version string                        Kubernetes version used for Capabilities.KubeVersion

Your issue should be solved by adding --api-versions='' to your Helm templating command.

helm template \
cilium \
cilium/cilium \
--version 1.16.0-pre.3 \
--namespace kube-system \
--api-versions='' \
-f cilium-values.yml \
> talos/cilium-manifest.yml
hellt commented 2 weeks ago

oh wow, thanks @mhofstetter! adding this flag immediately solved the issue. Since inline manifests are the recommended way to install Cilium CNI according to Talos docs I stepped into this trap not knowing that helm checks the presence of the certain CRDs

Thank you very much for providing this insight, it reolved my issue immediately.

PS. would be nice to have this in the docs somewhere (I can volunteer with the patch if that is how the docs team work)

balous commented 2 weeks ago

I think this could be a problem in environments where you can't influence the order of helm chart installation like CAPI helm addon (CAAPH). In such a scenario, you just upload bunch of helmchartproxy CRs to the cluster (containing chart parameters like repo, name and values). One of the CRs installs Cilium and the other installs GatewatAPI.

Than you instantiate a cluster - CAPI provisions some nodes and installs kubernetes inside. As soon as the new cluster's API is accessible, CAAPH installs all the charts in undefined order. This way, you end up either with cluster with class or without class. Such scenarios need a way to force creation of the class.

hellt commented 2 weeks ago

yes, I do agree with @balous My expectation was that the cilium controller would apply the GW API manifests on its own (as well as it knows what GW API version is supported by the controller). This seems to be a logical way of handling that.

balous commented 2 weeks ago

I have no problem in packaging the GW API CRDs separately, but need consistent behavior from the cilium chart.

CAAPH does normal reconcile, if the chart installation fails, it is retried. I have a similar example with kubernetes-prometheus-stack which installs CRDs that are used by cilium too. It works, you just see some errors in CAAPH logs as Cilium installation has to be retried.

youngnick commented 2 weeks ago

For Gateway API, the problem is that this is an upstream set of CRDs, that multiple implementations may want to install - and each of those implementations may want to install different versions. So, Cilium may want to install v1.1.0, but if you install Envoy Gateway, it may want to install v1.0.0.

Because CRDs can only have one version, if both implementations had controllers install their version, you would either end up with inconsistent behavior (if they run at startup of the controller, with the active version depending on which implementation's controller has restarted more recently), or flapping CRD versions (if they both actively reconcile the version, and put their version back when the CRD changes).

There's really no great solution for this problem at the moment, which stems from the fact that you can only have one version of a CRD installed in the cluster. We've talked about a number of options upstream in Gateway API, but haven't been able to find anything that works for everyone yet.

That's why, for now, Cilium has the requirement that the CRDs are "manually" installed - which really just means that the CRDs need to be installed before Cilium is.

Sorry I can't give you better news - if it was as simple as just having the Cilium operator apply the manifests, I'd happily do that.

hellt commented 2 weeks ago

Why would then gw SIG put this option on the first place?

balous commented 2 weeks ago

@youngnick, I understand this, as I wrote, I don't have problem with installing CRDs separately. My problem is the autodetection inside Cililum chart which leads to uncertain results. I'd prefer Cilium installation to fail in case GW API CRDs are not installed (the same way it fails when Prometheus CRDs are not installed) instead of skipping the GatewayClass.

youngnick commented 1 week ago

Okay, that seems like a reasonable ask - I agree that having the helm chart fail if Gateway API is enabled and GatewayClass is not present probably makes more sense. It is a breaking change though, so we will need to be a little careful about it.

youngnick commented 1 week ago

@hellt Note the language there - some implementations may install automatically - that just means that they are making the call that they won't be affected too much by any of the issues I mentioned.

balous commented 1 week ago

Okay, that seems like a reasonable ask - I agree that having the helm chart fail if Gateway API is enabled and GatewayClass is not present probably makes more sense. It is a breaking change though, so we will need to be a little careful about it.

I could create a PR adding a new option for this - gatewayAPI.gwClass.create: <true|false|auto> where auto is the current behavior. Seams reasonable?

youngnick commented 1 week ago

Yes, that seems very reasonable, thanks!