cilynx / rtl88x2bu

rtl88x2bu driver updated for current kernels.
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Use deploy scripts from xpadneo #174

Open MaxG87 opened 3 years ago

MaxG87 commented 3 years ago

Recently I had the joy of using the driver of I found their deployment scripts a charm to work with. Not only were they quite robust, they also cover a usecase that is missing from uninstallation.

Unfortunately, using these scripts would mean to move most of the repository in subfolder. Also the scripts itself might cause objections. Therefore I suggest them as a PR so we can discuss this change.

NOTE: The PR is not yet complete and should not be merged.

MaxG87 commented 3 years ago

@CGarces , @cilynx What is your opinion about this PR? Its a huge restructuring, but I really like how things are working with xpad-neo.

CGarces commented 3 years ago

@CGarces , @cilynx What is your opinion about this PR? Its a huge restructuring, but I really like how things are working with xpad-neo.

I don't have an opinion, I don't known witch current problems solve xpadneo For me .deb files are my only god.