Open Menion2k opened 4 years ago
I don't know about @cilynx, but providing an OpenWRT package is beyond my capabilities. I do not even use OpenWRT, so I could not test anything.
However, I would love to move the project towards better OpenWRT compatibility. Would you be able to provide pull requests?
just tested it on OpenWRT (master snapshot (OpenWrt SNAPSHOT r16195-8391781389), arch - x86_64). AP mode - working STA - not tested iw dev wlan0 scan - working
Found problem: OpenWRT executing iw dev wlan0 del
after enabling wifi, causing freeze
so i created issue:
how to start it:
compile and install kmod-rtl88x2bu
execute: ip link set wlan0 up
and you need to start hostapd manually (if you want AP mode)
also, netifd ignoring wlan0 in /etc/config/network ifname, so you need to rename interface:
for example: add ip link set wlan0 name wifi0 && ip link set wifi0 up
to /etc/rc.local
and add
option ifname 'wifi0'
option force_link '1'
to your interface (config interface in /etc/config/network)
(maybe not needed for bridges)
Openwrt snapshot moved to kernel 5.4
Can you work on adding this driver as Openwrt package?