cimbalino / Cimbalino-Phone-Toolkit

Cimbalino Windows Phone Toolkit
MIT License
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No Intellisense hint for a single appbar MenuItems #41

Closed Nearga closed 10 years ago

Nearga commented 10 years ago

I have an appbar with a BarIconButton:

        BackgroundColor="{StaticResource MyAppBarBackgroundColor}" 
        ForegroundColor="{StaticResource MyAppBarForegroundColor}" 

            Command="{Binding ProceedCommand}"
            IsEnabled="{Binding IsBusy, Converter={StaticResource BooleanInversedConverter}}"


Now, i want to add a MenuItem there. I'm setting a cursor at the next line after ApplicationBarIconButton, start typing <cimbalino and Intellisense offers me 2 possibilities:

After some googling, i found a correct solution



However, looking like this thing can be improved. I'm using a wp7 project with MSVS 2012 Pro.

pedrolamas commented 10 years ago

Seems to be working fine with my VS2012:


Do you have your VS2012 updated with the latest Service Packs?

pedrolamas commented 10 years ago

Just remembered that this might be related to me having Resharper installed... bottom line is that if you have VS2012 fully updated and you see this issue, then I'm afraid it is in fact a Designer issue in VS2012... :\

Nearga commented 10 years ago

Yep, SP4. Probably, its a resharper issue.

pedrolamas commented 10 years ago

It may actually be, but given there is nothing I can actually do to improve/fix this situation, I'm closing this.