cincheo / jsweet

A Java to JavaScript transpiler.
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JSweet live sandox: add options (target ES version, bundle, download project...) #636

Open neuronsupport opened 3 years ago

neuronsupport commented 3 years ago

Is there way to compare the ES6 based transpiler option?

lgrignon commented 3 years ago

Thanks for suggesting sandbox improvments. That would be awesome but it's clearly low priority.

lgrignon commented 3 years ago

Sandbox has been upgraded to latest JSweet version

neuronsupport commented 3 years ago

I didnt want to open a new issue, but is it possible to covert a Java library which has all the classes supported by JSweet to Javascript ES6 Library with JSweet with dynamically loadable classes? I was going to test that with online sandbox.

lgrignon commented 3 years ago

Sorry, I am not sure I understand your question perfectly. What do you mean exactly by 1) "has all the classes supported by JSweet" 2) "dynamically loadable classes" ?

Thanks for those additional details.

neuronsupport commented 3 years ago

"dynamically loadable classes"

I was talking about basically ES6 imports and exports.

lgrignon commented 3 years ago

It's possible yes. There is no explicit example of this unfortunately. All of our candies use bundle mode. I will help you to package a candy with modules if you want, so we can publish a proper example. I recommend you not to use the sandbox for such a need though.

Could you please open a dedicated issue for your actual need please, and give some additional details (link to the code, versions, dependencies etc)? We will continue on this.


neuronsupport commented 3 years ago

Thanks for your response. I do not plan to use sandbox for this. All I wanted to see if it were doable for not. I will try to build it myself. if I fail to do so, then I will open a dedicated issue for this.

thanks again.