cincheo / jsweet

A Java to JavaScript transpiler.
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We could use a CLI interface for jsweet compliation #752

Open adligo opened 1 year ago

adligo commented 1 year ago

Hi All,

The Gradle plugin relies on a Maven plugin that was removed from Gradle, and after 25 years of build system hell, I'm probably going to write yet another build system. Fabricate 2 (fab) will likely be a TypeScript build system that can make use of some Java Concurrency stuff I wrote in Fabricate (one). The basic idea will be to leverage TypeScript to call CLI tasks in a Linux or Mac OS shell or using Git Bash on Windows. Then TypeScript can also call Java which can do concurrency stuff calling back to TypeScript to interact with the CLI. If anyone is interesting in collaborating on a jsweet CLI please reach out :)

Cheers, Scott

lgrignon commented 1 year ago

Hello @adligo

We have a simple command line for JSweet, you can find it here:

You can find usages in jsweet-examples.

Would it be suitable for you?


adligo commented 1 year ago

TY I will check it out!