cinchrb / cinch

The IRC Bot Building Framework
MIT License
1k stars 180 forks source link

Is this still maintained? #242

Closed lokeshh closed 7 years ago

lokeshh commented 7 years ago

This is a great app but it seems most of the plugins and examples are not working.

dominikh commented 7 years ago

It's not really maintained, no. Though to the best of my knowledge, there are no critical bugs, and most of the examples, and really the majority of 1st and 3rd party plugins are working fine. The google example is probably broken, as they change their markup every other day, and including the example was a mistake.

Long story short, Cinch is perfectly usable, but we are looking for an active maintainer who wants to fix outstanding issues and PRs and maybe clean up the code some.

IotaSpencer commented 7 years ago

I'd love to help, I'm working on cinch every day

bougyman commented 7 years ago

It is now maintained again, @IotaSpencer . I would very much appreciate any help you can offer. I'm just looking through issues now and will start to tag them with priorities. You can always find me on freenode (#cinch)