cinder / Cinder

Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
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ESSENTIAL: SetCursorPosition() is missing #2183

Open IntellectualKitty opened 3 years ago

IntellectualKitty commented 3 years ago

The ability to set the cursor position (e.g., to the center of the screen) and thereby derive relative mouse motion rather than absolute is essential for applications like first-person shooters. Unfortunately, this functionality is missing in Cinder.

@paulhoux partially addressed the issue in this discourse with platform-specific code in his Stars app (Windows code is included, macOS code is present in comments). The links to his code are here and here.

What is really needed is an application function to SetCursorPosition(). Since I am not a knowledgeable cross-platform programmer (nor do I have the opportunity to program on non-macOS platforms), the lack of this functionality seriously limits my ability to use Cinder for gaming development.