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ImGui right shift key stays "stuck" (acts as toggle) #2193

Open totalgee opened 3 years ago

totalgee commented 3 years ago

Hi there. When I use an ImGui::InputTextMultiline, the left shift key works as expected (only works while the key is held down). However, the right one acts as a toggle, which is really annoying. You can see this by typing something with a (right) shift in it, then using the arrow keys to move the cursor. You'll see you are highlighting selected text, because it things shift is still held down. You need to press it again to toggle off.

It makes using the multiline widget as a code editor pretty much useless. I'm not sure if this might be a bug (or "feature") in ImGui itself, but I haven't found anything related to it in the repo there.

totalgee commented 3 years ago

I should clarify that it doesn't act the same as caps-lock, in that typed letters don't come out uppercase. But it does act as though shift were down for the purposes of selection, when you move the cursor.

totalgee commented 3 years ago

This is not to do with ImGui, after all. If I write a minimal Cinder app and just overload keyDown() and keyUp(), I can see the problem. Just print a different message for L/R shift down and up, and you'll see it... E.g.

void MyApp::keyDown(KeyEvent e)
    if (e.getCode() == KeyEvent::KEY_LSHIFT) console() << "Left shift down" << endl;
    if (e.getCode() == KeyEvent::KEY_RSHIFT) console() << "Right shift down" << endl;

void MyApp::keyUp(KeyEvent e)
    if (e.getCode() == KeyEvent::KEY_LSHIFT) console() << "Left shift up" << endl;
    if (e.getCode() == KeyEvent::KEY_RSHIFT) console() << "Right shift up" << endl;

Now run your app, and press and release right shift several times. You'll see:

Right shift down
Right shift up
Right shift down
Left shift up

I think the bug is in prepNativeKeyCode() in AppImplMsw.cpp, but not sure of the fix yet. Maybe Windows only gives you "shift" events (not left/right-specific, which you need to poll for with GetKeyState()), it looks like, that's maybe why it was written the way it was...? @andrewfb any idea?