cinder / Cinder

Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
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Visual studio 2019 build errors (a lot) #2255

Closed VitalZero closed 2 years ago

VitalZero commented 2 years ago

Hi!, thank you for this amazing lib! (first of all), second. I'm having problems building the lib for visual studio 2019 compiler version 10 and toolset v 142. It gives me a tons of errors, most of then of C2039 about experimental, example: C:\SDK\Cinder-0.9.2\include\cinder\Filesystem.h(40,22): error C2039: "experimental": no es un miembro de "std" (compilando archivo de origen ....\src\cinder\app\msw\RendererImpl2dGdi.cpp)

and also about filesystem, example:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Visual Studio\2019\Community\VC\Tools\MSVC\14.29.30133\include\filesystem(40): message : vea la declaración de 'std' (compilando archivo de origen ....\src\cinder\app\msw\RendererImpl2dGdi.cpp).

Now, I have seleced to build with c++17 on project properties and also, I've chedked the other issue with the same problem, but it was solved with c++17 build.

The strange thing is that the dev version doesnt give me any problems to build

Thank you for your time!, greetings! image

richardeakin commented 2 years ago

Thanks for reporting. Probably safest to try to build from github master as the 0.9.2 is quite old now (~1.5 years).

VitalZero commented 2 years ago

Thank you, I might do that then. By the other hand, building the master branch gives me a black screen when I build for the basic app example :/, I dont get compiler errors (just warnings) or runtime errors. (I should get a blue screen which I can paint on it, but cant) image

VitalZero commented 2 years ago

ok, it works now :/ didnt use angle. thanks for the answers!