cinder / Cinder

Cinder is a community-developed, free and open source library for professional-quality creative coding in C++.
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Cannot build a Sample Program in Ubuntu #2285

Closed Abhilekhgautam closed 2 years ago

Abhilekhgautam commented 2 years ago

I cloned the repository and build it using cmake.

mkdir build && cd build
 cmake ..

The Cinder build was succesfull.

The documentation states that

The runtime output directory for different configurations will automatically end up within different folders (e.g. lib/macosx/Debug/libcinder.a and lib/macosx/Release/libcinder.a), so multiple configurations can live side by side

So when I sucessfully build It a libcinder.a file must be present inside my Debug folder, but when I try running the sample program with follwing CMakeLists.txt file:

cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.10)

get_filename_component( CINDER_PATH "~/Cinder" ABSOLUTE)

include( "${CINDER_PATH}/proj/cmake/modules/cinderMakeApp.cmake" )

        APP_NAME "src"
        SOURCES BasicAppMultiWindowApp.cpp

This error shows up, ninja: error: '/home/userCinder/lib/linux/x86_64/ogl/Debug/libcinder.a', needed by 'Debug/src/src', missing and no known rule to make it However after a sucessfull build, that file should exist.