cinderblock / MLX90363

CPP library for MLX90363
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Discussion #1

Open infusion opened 6 years ago

infusion commented 6 years ago

So, here we are again. What I was trying to ask was, is the sensor worth it in terms of accuracy, since I used the HMC5883L quite a lot and what you can see on the DSP diagram/sketch from the manual is a quite simple DSP and I wonder if you can create a similar or even better quality yourself with a cheaper sensor. What was your use case?

cinderblock commented 6 years ago

I'm using the MLX90363 to sense the angle of a motor shaft. It is used heavily in my 3-Phase-Driver/Controller project. It's basically a rotary encoder for detecting the angle of a spinning shaft. You put a magnet on what you're trying to sense and the sensor does the rest.


So, looking at the HMC5883L, it looks like it is intended to be a compass chip, which is very different from the intended use case for the MLX90363. Specifically, the magnetic flux density scales of the two chips are vastly different: HMC5883L - max 8 Gauss = 0.8 milliTesla whereas the MLX90363 saturates at ~70mT, almost 100x more range. So the MLX90363 sensitivity is really not suited to be used as a compass chip.

What are you trying to make/do?

I'm still unclear what you're talking about with regards to the DSP diagram/sketch. Is this an Arduino sketch? Was this one provided by Sparkfun, Honeywell, or someone else? Maybe a link would clear some things up.