cinderfish / gamebot

A slack bot that plays games
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Game Idea: Rock, Paper, Scissors #8

Open TNowalk opened 8 years ago

TNowalk commented 8 years ago

Could support PvP or PvC. PvC would be in a direct message with bot, while PvP would be in a direct message with both participating players. Can use the emojis built into slack :facepunch: or :fist: for rock, :v: for scissors and :hand: for paper.

TNowalk commented 8 years ago

The tricky part for this game (and any other PvP game where the input needs to be secret) is keeping the input a secret. Possible ways to implement this would be challenging someone in a DM to the person and the results are posted in a DM with the bot. An example:

Shaun opens DM with Trevor and challenges him to a game by inviting the gamebot to the channel and typing @gamebot play rock paper scissors, the bot would then DM both users individually asking for their input to which they reply with @gamebot use rock, etc. The bot then replies back in the private group (DM w/ players and bot) with the results of the round. Rinse and repeat.

The other option would be to handle this all directly in a DM with the gamebot and not have a private group. Workflow would look something like this:

Shaun opens DM with gamebot and says: play rock paper scissors against @trevor.nowalk. The gamebot sends a DM to Trevor asking to confirm the start of the game. Upon confirmation, the bot asks each player in their DM for their input, to which they reply with use rock. Once both players have entered their answer, the bot replies in each DM the results of the round and asks for the next input.