cindyxinyiwang / deep-latent-sequence-model

Pytorch implementation of "A Probabilistic Formulation of Unsupervised Text Style Transfer" by He. et. al. at ICLR 2020
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Why is the gumbel_softmax not enabled for the YELP sentiment transfer? #17

Closed naveen-kinnal closed 2 years ago

naveen-kinnal commented 3 years ago

Hello. I want to know why is the gumbel_softmax not set to True in the model params for the YELP sentiment transfer task? Is it because we have a pre-trained language model and hence do want to compute the KL loss with respect to the gumbel softmax log prior? Thanks.

jxhe commented 3 years ago

I think we use gumbel_softmax the same way across all tasks to propagate gradients from the language model loss. For reference, gumbel_softmax is used here and is enabled in Yelp sentiment transfer:

naveen-kinnal commented 3 years ago

Thank you. But the above line doesn't get reached at all. In this below code, the self.hparams.gumbel_softmax is not set to True and hence it will reach the if condition (get_translations), but not the get_soft_translations.

      if eval or (not self.hparams.gumbel_softmax):
        with torch.no_grad():
          x_trans, x_trans_mask, x_trans_len, index = self.get_translations(x_train, x_mask, x_len, y_sampled, y_sampled_mask, y_sampled_len, temperature)
        index = torch.tensor(index.copy(), dtype=torch.long, requires_grad=False, device=self.hparams.device)
        # with torch.no_grad():
        lm_flag = True
        x_trans, x_trans_mask, x_trans_len, index, org_index, neg_entropy = self.get_soft_translations(x_train, x_mask, x_len,
          y_sampled, y_sampled_mask, y_sampled_len)
      trans_length = sum(x_trans_len)
      trans_length = 0.

jxhe commented 3 years ago

The back-translation loss does not use Gumbel-softmax as explained in the paper, only the LM loss uses Gumbel-softmax here:

naveen-kinnal commented 3 years ago

I think the param 'lm' is also not set to true for the YELP style transfer. Could you please let me know in which file we set the 'lm' to true?

jxhe commented 3 years ago

shentianxiao commented 3 years ago

But I don't see "--gs_soft" set. As a result, x_trans_lm is a hard generation, then how can the gradients of log_prior backprop?

jxhe commented 3 years ago


When --gs_soft is not set, gumbel_softmax will output discretized one-hot vectors, but will be differentiated as if it is the soft sample in autograd. Maybe also note that our language model multiplies the embedding weights with those one-hot vectors to obtain word embeddings, thus the entire process is differentiable: