cinely / mule-uploader

Stubborn HTML5 Amazon S3 uploader
MIT License
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ERROR: AmazonXHR.list is called without file parameter when upload is_truncated is true #73

Closed abuisine closed 7 years ago

abuisine commented 8 years ago

error raised here:

if(is_truncated === "true") {
    var part_marker = xml.getElementsByTagName("NextPartNumberMarker")[0].textContent;
    AmazonXHR.list(auth, key, upload_id, chunk_size, function(new_parts) {
    }, error_callback, part_marker);
} else {

whereas prototype is:

AmazonXHR.list = function(auth, file, key, upload_id, chunk_size, callback, error_callback, marker) {
abuisine commented 8 years ago

this bug is triggered when uploading large files (tested with 16GiB) problem arises at the end of the upload, or resuming such failed upload

abuisine commented 7 years ago

solved by 24863a2f86429353ef729640ab25b41a73fff543