cinematorium / web-app

A group project of designing and developing a web app for Cinematorium movie theater using pattern library and Jekyll.
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Web-App - Code Rubric #2

Open digitalsara opened 5 years ago

digitalsara commented 5 years ago

Determine all the goals that our project needs to meet.

KseniaZhe commented 5 years ago
0 points 1 points 2 points 3 points
Responsiveness Not responsive Works on some screens Responsive but with lots of awkwardness Looks great on all screen sizes
Usability The website is impossible to navigate. The usability wasn’t taken into consideration. The website is possible to navigate. But only a couple of the points on the usability checklist passed the checks. The website is fine to navigate. Only half of the points on the usability checklist passed the checks The website is easy to navigate. The usability was tested and passed most of the points on the checklist ( )
Performance The website is too slow. No testing was done to check the performance. The assets are not optimized for web. The website loading speed is slowish, but managable. Some of the images and assets were exported for web and smushed. The performance wasn’t tested with the online tools. The website loading speed is fine. Most of the images and assets were exported for web and smushed. The performance was tested with the online tools and pass some tests. The website loads fast. All the images and assets were exported for web and smushed. The performance was tested with the online tools and pass all the necessary tests. ( )
Accessibility Not attempts were made to make the website accessible. The accessibility was tested and passed some of the points on the checklist. With some exceptions. The accessibility was tested and passed most of the points on the checklist. With some exceptions. The accessibility was tested and passed all the points on the checklist ( )
Code quality No code, no commits. Poor semantics, hard to navigate code and messy indentation. Unclear, rare commits. Mostly fine semantics, mostly fine indentation. Fine but not regularly done commits. Well indented, fully valid, good semantics. Clear and regular commits.
Team The coding was unevenly divided. There was neither collaboration, nor feedback. Team members were irresponsible. It was hard to work together. The coding was unevenly divided. There was some collaboration, and some feedback was provided. Working together was challenging. The coding was well divided. There was some collaboration, and some feedback was provided. Working together was fine, but good that it is over. The coding was well divided. Everyone was responsible and cared about the project. Great collaboration and lots of feedback was provided. Working together was inspirational and pleasant.
digitalsara commented 5 years ago

Responsiveness - 3/3 points Looks great on all screens. We made sure our web app was responsive across all screen sizes from the beginning. No awkwardness on mobile, tablet or desktop.

Usability - 3/3 points We kept easy navigation and a strong visual hierarchy in mind while designing and developing our web app. We kept it simple (with just a home button), and the user flow consistent across.

Performance - 3/3 points The web app loads fast. Loading just over 1 second, our website has a performance rating of A, and a green audit result of 96.

Accessibility - 3/3 points We planned, reviewed and tested the accessibility throughout the development process. Following the accessibility checklist, we implemented: colour contrast, strong text hierarchy, proper gutters to crop long line lengths, and added ARIA landmark roles to guide people with accessibility needs through our web app.

Code Quality - 3/3 points Following good semantics, we coded our web app clearly. We made effective use of collections, patterns, includes, and thoroughly committed our progress to Github.

Team 2/3 points We collaborated well in class and divided the workload well. We could have improved on our communication throughout the semester, but overall, we got work done and had a good team dynamic.

