cioos-siooc / ocean-data-parser

ocean-data-parser parses manufacturer or organizations proprietary file format into an xarray datasets.
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IOS Conversion_ moored CTD data issues #81

Open guanlu129 opened 2 months ago

guanlu129 commented 2 months ago

Review of moored CTD data files conversion: For IOS moored CTD data, I’ve compared the netCDF file generated by ODPY and by the old ios_data_tranform, and would like to suggest a few modifications:

JessyBarrette commented 2 months ago

Regarding 1. and 5. all those metadata variables are now only available as global attributes. ERDDAP is able to move global attributes to a dataset variable, this feature was not known by us when we initially generated the IOS datasets. However, both NAFC and BIO newer datasets are using this feature.

So I would say as long as those different metadata are made available via global attributes, we're all good. Here's an example of global attributes generated for the test file KSK1_20130703_20140703_0152m.ctd

    "id": "tests/parsers_test_files/dfo/ios/shell/mooring/CTD/KSK1_20130703_20140703_0152m.ctd",
    "agency": "IOS, Ocean Sciences Division, Sidney, BC",
    "country": "Canada",
    "project": "WCTSS-A",
    "scientist": "Hannah C.",
    "platform": "John P. Tully",
    "start_time": "2013-07-03T02:00:01+00:00",
    "end_time": "2014-07-03T15:00:01+00:00",
    "time_increment": "0 0 30 0 0  ! (day hr min sec ms)",
    "time_units": "Minutes",
    "time_zero": "UTC 2013/07/03 00:00:00.000",
    "number_of_records": "17547",
    "data_description": "CTD",
    "pad": "-99",
    "number_of_channels": "8",
    "instrument_type": "Sea-Bird SBE37",
    "instrument_model": "Sea-Bird SBE37",
    "instrument_serial_number": "SBE37 5306",
    "instrument_depth": "152",
    "instrument_remarks": "        Instrument depth in metres.\n",
    "geographic_area": "Douglas Channel system",
    "station": "KSK1",
    "event_number": "1",
    "latitude": 53.48,
    "longitude": -129.20855,
    "water_depth": "372",
    "deployment_mission": "2013-50",
    "deployment_type": "Sub Surface",
    "deployment_time_anchor_dropped": "UTC 2013/07/03 01:46:00.000",
    "deployment_remarks": "        2 wheels, 2540 lbs.\n",
    "recovery_mission": "2014-20",
    "recovery_time_anchor_released": "UTC 2014/07/03 13:12:00.000",
    "calibration": null,
    "comments": {
        "1": "    World Class, KSK1-A at 152m.",
        "2": "    Data are from SBE37-5306",
        "3": "    Data missing from 2014/05/19 21:30 to 2014/05/29 01:00."
    "remarks": "",
    "history": {
        "$TABLE: PROGRAMS": [
            "    !   Name     Vers   Date       Time     Recs In   Recs Out\n",
            "    !   -------- ------ ---------- -------- --------- ---------\n",
            "        RCM_CNVT 1.1    2014/09/11 11:06:41         0     17547\n",
            "        HDREDIT2 3.0.2  2016/12/30 11:18:52 ?         ?\n"
        "$REMARKS": [
            "        -The following RCM_CNVT parameters were used.\n",
            "         Number of comment lines in RAW file: 0\n",
            "        -HEADER EDITS: 2016/12/30 11:18:52\n"
        "ios_transform_history": "IOS Transform History:\n2024-05-01T13:14:05.296869 - Generate new variable from Record_Number -> record_number\n2024-05-01T13:14:05.299002 - Generate new variable from Temperature -> TEMPPR01\n2024-05-01T13:14:05.299862 - Generate new variable from Conductivity -> CNDCST01\n2024-05-01T13:14:05.300717 - Generate new variable from Pressure -> PRESPR01\n2024-05-01T13:14:05.302804 - Generate new variable from Pressure -> apply lambda x: -1*gsw.z_from_p(x,ds.attrs['latitude'])) -> depth\n2024-05-01T13:14:05.303941 - Generate new variable from Salinity -> PSALST01\n2024-05-01T13:14:05.304993 - Generate new variable from Speed:Sound -> SVELXXXX\n"
    "headers": "{\n\"COMMENTS\": {\n\"1\": \"    World Class, KSK1-A at 152m.\",\n\"2\": \"    Data are from SBE37-5306\",\n\"3\": \"    Data missing from 2014/05/19 21:30 to 2014/05/29 01:00.\"\n},\n\"FILE\": {\n\"START TIME\": \" UTC 2013/07/03 02:00:01.000\\n\",\n\"END TIME\": \" UTC 2014/07/03 15:00:01.000\\n\",\n\"TIME INCREMENT\": \" 0 0 30 0 0  ! (day hr min sec ms)\\n\",\n\"TIME UNITS\": \" Minutes\\n\",\n\"TIME ZERO\": \" UTC 2013/07/03 00:00:00.000\\n\",\n\"NUMBER OF RECORDS\": \" 17547\\n\",\n\"DATA DESCRIPTION\": \" CTD\\n\",\n\"FILE TYPE\": \" ASCII\\n\",\n\"DATA TYPE\": \" REAL*4\\n\",\n\"PAD\": \" -99\\n\",\n\"NUMBER OF CHANNELS\": \" 8\\n\",\n\"$TABLE: CHANNELS\": [\n\"    ! No Name            Units        Minimum        Maximum\\n\",\n\"    !--- --------------- ------------ -------------- --------------\\n\",\n\"       1 Record_Number   n/a          1              17547\\n\",\n\"       2 Date            YYYY/MM/DD   0              365\\n\",\n\"       3 Time            HH:MM:SS     0              0.99999\\n\",\n\"       4 Temperature     'deg C'      6.4797         14.2827\\n\",\n\"       5 Conductivity    S/m          0.1189E-01     3.427\\n\",\n\"       6 Pressure        decibar      -0.94E-01      158.138\\n\",\n\"       7 Salinity        PSS-78       0.724E-01      33.1394\\n\",\n\"       8 Speed:Sound     m/s          1454.755       1482.262\\n\"\n],\n\"$TABLE: CHANNEL DETAIL\": [\n\"    ! No  Pad   Start  Width  Format      Type  Decimal_Places\\n\",\n\"    !---  ----  -----  -----  ----------  ----  --------------\\n\",\n\"       1  -99   ' '        8  F           R4      1\\n\",\n\"       2  -99   ' '    ' '    YYYY/MM/DD  D     ' '\\n\",\n\"       3  -99   ' '    ' '    HH:MM:SS    T     ' '\\n\",\n\"       4  -99   ' '        9  f           R4      4\\n\",\n\"       5  -99   ' '       12  f           R4      5\\n\",\n\"       6  -99   ' '        9  f           R4      3\\n\",\n\"       7  -99   ' '        9  f           R4      4\\n\",\n\"       8  -99   ' '        9  f           R4      3\\n\"\n]\n},\n\"ADMINISTRATION\": {\n\"AGENCY\": \" IOS, Ocean Sciences Division, Sidney, BC\\n\",\n\"COUNTRY\": \" Canada\\n\",\n\"PROJECT\": \" WCTSS-A\\n\",\n\"SCIENTIST\": \" Hannah C.\\n\",\n\"PLATFORM\": \" John P. Tully\\n\"\n},\n\"LOCATION\": {\n\"GEOGRAPHIC AREA\": \" Douglas Channel system\\n\",\n\"STATION\": \" KSK1\\n\",\n\"EVENT NUMBER\": \" 1\\n\",\n\"LATITUDE\": \"  53  28.80000 N  ! (deg min)\\n\",\n\"LONGITUDE\": \" 129  12.51300 W  ! (deg min)\\n\",\n\"WATER DEPTH\": \" 372\\n\"\n},\n\"DEPLOYMENT\": {\n\"MISSION\": \" 2013-50\\n\",\n\"TYPE\": \" Sub Surface\\n\",\n\"TIME ANCHOR DROPPED\": \" UTC 2013/07/03 01:46:00.000\\n\",\n\"$REMARKS\": [\n\"        2 wheels, 2540 lbs.\\n\"\n]\n},\n\"RECOVERY\": {\n\"MISSION\": \" 2014-20\\n\",\n\"TIME ANCHOR RELEASED\": \" UTC 2014/07/03 13:12:00.000\\n\"\n},\n\"INSTRUMENT\": {\n\"TYPE\": \" Sea-Bird SBE37\\n\",\n\"MODEL\": \" Sea-Bird SBE37\\n\",\n\"SERIAL NUMBER\": \" SBE37 5306\\n\",\n\"DEPTH\": \" 152\\n\",\n\"$REMARKS\": [\n\"        Instrument depth in metres.\\n\"\n]\n},\n\"RAW\": {\n\"START TIME\": \" UTC 2013/07/03 02:00:01.000\\n\",\n\"FIRST GOOD REC TIME\": \" UTC 2013/07/03 02:00:01.000\\n\",\n\"END TIME\": \" UTC 2014/07/03 15:00:01.000\\n\",\n\"TIME INCREMENT\": \" 0 0 30 0 0  ! (day hr min sec ms)\\n\",\n\"NUMBER OF RECORDS\": \" 17547\\n\",\n\"VOLUME ID\": \" 5306-KSK1-\\n\",\n\"FIRST RECORD\": \" '6.9340, 3.34215,  155.900,  32.9421, 1478.381, 03'\\n\",\n\"CONTINUED\": \" ' Jul 2013, 02:00:01'\\n\",\n\"$TABLE: CHANNELS\": [\n\"    !                Averaging (day hr min sec ms)\\n\",\n\"    !Name Raw Units  Interval   Time Lag\\n\",\n\"    !---- ---------  ---------  -----------\\n\"\n]\n},\n\"HISTORY\": {\n\"2\": \"    $TABLE: PROGRAMS\",\n\"3\": \"    !   Name     Vers   Date       Time     Recs In   Recs Out\",\n\"4\": \"    !   -------- ------ ---------- -------- --------- ---------\",\n\"5\": \"        RCM_CNVT 1.1    2014/09/11 11:06:41         0     17547\",\n\"6\": \"        HDREDIT2 3.0.2  2016/12/30 11:18:52 ?         ?\",\n\"7\": \"    $END\",\n\"8\": \"    $REMARKS\",\n\"9\": \"        -The following RCM_CNVT parameters were used.\",\n\"10\": \"         Number of comment lines in RAW file: 0\",\n\"11\": \"        -HEADER EDITS: 2016/12/30 11:18:52\",\n\"12\": \"    $END\"\n}\n}",
    "source": "tests/parsers_test_files/dfo/ios/shell/mooring/CTD/KSK1_20130703_20140703_0152m.ctd",
    "ios_header_version": "2.0 ",
    "ocean_data_transform_version": "0.3.0",
    "product_version": "ios_header=2.0 ; ocean-data-transform=0.3.0",
    "date_created": "2016-12-30T11:18:52.130000+00:00",
    "institution": "DFO IOS",
    "ices_edmo_code": 4155,
    "sdn_institution_urn": "SDN:EDMO::4155",
    "infoUrl": "",
    "ioc_country_code": 18,
    "naming_authority": "ca.gc.ios",
    "iso_3166_country_code": "CA",
    "platform_vocabulary": "",
    "instrument_vocabulary": "",
    "Conventions": "CF-1.6,CF-1.7,CF-1.8,ACDD1.1,ACDD-1.3,IOOS-1.2",
    "standard_name_vocabulary": "CF Standard Name Table v78",
    "creator_name": "Institute of Ocean Sciences (IOS)",
    "creator_institution": "Institute of Ocean Sciences (IOS)",
    "creator_email": "",
    "creator_country": "Canada",
    "creator_sector": "gov_federal",
    "creator_url": "",
    "creator_type": "institution",
    "time_coverage_resolution": "P0DT0H0M0.0000018S",
    "featureType": "timeSeries",
    "cdm_data_type": "Timeseries"

I can see that platform_depth is not available and can't really see an equivalent within the IOS files. I can see the *INSTRUMENT -> DEPTH within the header which I believe is equivalent. Can you confirm that @guanlu129?

JessyBarrette commented 2 months ago

Oh sorry I just realized you mean instrument_depth, the instrument_depth value is made available via the global attribute instrument_depth. We could certainly move to a variable. However ERDDAP has the ability to retrieve any data from the global/variable attributes and generate a variable column with it.