cioppaanthony / rt-sbs

This repository contains the code for the paper: "Real-Time Semantic Background Subtraction", published at the ICIP 2020 conference.
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Multiprocessing problem #3

Closed WeiXiaoSummer closed 3 years ago

WeiXiaoSummer commented 3 years ago

Hi! What an amazing work! I am trying to implement your method with other bg algorithms but I have a problem, how did you run the vibe and PSPNet concurrently? I was trying with the torch.multiprocessing but seems like it's not the best method, could you tell me how did you implement this part please? Thanks in advance!

cioppaanthony commented 3 years ago


Thanks for your interest!

I would suggest that you take a look at how the multiprocessing was implemented in one of my other project that needs to run in real-time as well:

In this repo, it is Mask-RCNN (teacher) and a TinyNet (the student) that run in parallel on different devices with different frame rates as well. To implement the real-time code, I used the multiprocessing python library and queues to transfer the data between the different threads. It might not be the most optimized way to do so, but it does the job.

I hope this helps!