cip / WikiOnBoard

Offline reader for zim files, in particular the wikipedia, for mobile devices. It is based on QT and zimlib. It is cross-platform and supports Symbian, Maemo, Linux and Windows based devices.
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Article pages issues on harmattan #71

Open cip opened 12 years ago

cip commented 12 years ago

Article view suffers from similar problem to issue 70: Behavior of opening link appearantly depends on location of link on screen: upper part -> ignored, middle -> open status bar, lower part -> open link.

Note: For performance issues see new issue 72, as not directly related to scrolling issue. However, a fix considerable changes implementation (e.g.qml webview) would hopefully also solve the performance problem

cip commented 12 years ago

Considered fixes:

  1. Try to fix current implementation. (kineticscroller+QTextBrowser)
    • ? How?
    • - Scrolling with current implementation somewhat jerky on symbian as well, therefore replacing kineticscroller with something different would be preferable.
  2. Replace kineticscroller with QML Flickable, keep QTextBrowser
    • Trial in qml_meego_flickable branch
    • - Appearantly not working for long articles. (QTextBrowser size needs to be content size, which leads to crash at least on simulator).
    • - Problematic to set correct size. (VerticalScrollbar maximum used, but this appearantly changes after size of textbrowser adjusted to this value)
    • - Anchors not working
  3. Use QML WebView+Flickable (Using custom QNetworkAccessManager)
    • Trial in qml_meego_webview branch
    • - Anchors not working . (See
    • - Basic functionality working only on simulator, not on device. (Not debugged, as anchor problem anyway blocking)
  4. Use alternative kinetic scroller
  5. QWebView in QProxyWidget. (That is similar to 3. but QWebView instead of QTextBrowser)
  6. Other?