cipchk / ngx-filesaver

Simple file save with FileSaver.js
MIT License
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Error when import fileSaverModule #19

Closed chihebelgouthi closed 4 years ago

chihebelgouthi commented 4 years ago

I work with angular 7, I installed the ngx-fileSaver library version 8.1.0 when I import the fileSaverModule I get the following error.

ngx-filesaver.js:55 Uncaught TypeError: Object(...) is not a function at ngx-filesaver.js:55 at Module../node_modules/ngx-filesaver/fesm5/ngx-filesaver.js (ngx-filesaver.js:60) at webpack_require (bootstrap:83) at Module../src/app/modules/swt-toolbox/com/swallow/utils/common.service.ts (common-util.service.ts:22) at webpack_require (bootstrap:83) at Module../src/app/modules/swt-toolbox/com/swallow/controls/title-window.component.ts (swt-vdividedbox.component.ts:70) at webpack_require (bootstrap:83) at Module../src/app/modules/swt-toolbox/index.ts (index.ts:1) at webpack_require (bootstrap:83) at Module../src/app/app.component.ts (main.js:953)

cipchk commented 4 years ago

duplcated of