cipherxof / MGSFPSUnlock

Play Metal Gear Solid 3 at framerates above or below 60 fps
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Here's the new issue with 1.4.0 #8

Open MasterDarkseid opened 5 months ago

MasterDarkseid commented 5 months ago

The mod doesn't work correctly anymore. It seems like the game tries so hard to run at 60hz no matter what. Which causes slowdown and at times crashes. Also there's screen tearing probably due to the game trying to run at 60hz.

Here a clip where you can see the issue clearly

It happens during the section where you pick up your equipment on the tree. For texting purposes i've set my FPS to 120 because 240 cause an instant crash for me.

So it's causing slowdown as you can see however i don't think we can see the tearing on the clip for some reason.

MasterDarkseid commented 5 months ago

Also like i mentioned in another post the splitter camo is unobtainable because FPS higher then 60 create an invisible wall. The reason is unknown. I may post the clip later.

Edit : As promised. Also the game tries to re-sync everytime you are about to reach a new area. The screen transition between each areas the game slow down. The sped up effect (zzz when guard are sleeping , water effect , wind etc...) that doesn't really matter much to me.

I hope i gave enough information about the issues.