cipherxof / wc3-ts-template

A template to code in TypeScript for Warcraft III maps.
MIT License
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The game cannot load the generated folder #21

Open symil opened 1 year ago

symil commented 1 year ago

~I have tried running this template without touching anything (except for the game path). It correctly generates a map.w3x folder, but the game is not able to run the map (both by running npm run test and by manually opening it from the game). The game sees the folder, but doesn't recognize it as a map. It seems like it expects a file and not a folder.~

I just realized that I should load the file generated in dist/bin, my bad. That being said, when I do that, I have a message saying There was an error trying to load the selected map. The map is unavailable or corrupted. Screenshot here. I have also tried to use a new map, same result.

Is it something that changed recently? Or did I miss something?

My game version is 1.36.1

bertman12 commented 1 year ago

open your map with ladiq's mpq editor and see if the listfile is present in the built map.

symil commented 1 year ago

It doesn't seem to be there. Screenshot

bertman12 commented 1 year ago

Then what you need to do now is to save your map from the world editor and open that map in Ladiq's. Then copy the contents of the listfile that will be there and put that into a new file called listfile.txt . Then put that in your map folder in the typescript projcet you have. project-name/maps/my-map-name/listfile.txt <- the list file you need to put here

Then you should be able to rebuild the map and open the built map in ladiqs and see if the listfile is there

symil commented 1 year ago

It didn't solve the problem :( I can now see the (listfile) file in the built map, but I still have a mesage saying it's corrupt. I saw that the archive is also missing the (attributes) file so I tried adding it as well but it didn't work.