cipriancus / eventCalendar

Event Calendar is a desktop application that allows its users to manage their time in an easy and efficent manner. It can be used to organize the schedule for the resources of an institution, for its employees or for the work/free time program of an individual user etc. In order to create an event, the user can manually configure it, but there is also the possibility to choose a text file for parsing or import a mail into the application. The latter will parse it and automatically create the event.
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Getting more done in GitHub with ZenHub #13

Closed stefan2212 closed 8 years ago

stefan2212 commented 8 years ago

Hola! @stefan2212 has created a ZenHub account for the cipriancus organization. ZenHub is the only project management tool integrated natively in GitHub – created specifically for fast-moving, software-driven teams.

How do I use ZenHub?

To get set up with ZenHub, all you have to do is download the browser extension and log in with your GitHub account. Once you do, you’ll get access to ZenHub’s complete feature-set immediately.

What can ZenHub do?

ZenHub adds a series of enhancements directly inside the GitHub UI:

_Still curious? See more ZenHub features or read user reviews. This issue was written by your friendly ZenHub bot, posted by request from @stefan2212._

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