circleci / rollcage

A Clojure client for Rollbar
Eclipse Public License 1.0
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Potential support for ex-data / ex-info? #47

Closed Olical closed 4 years ago

Olical commented 4 years ago

It'd be awesome to see the data embedded in an exception in rollbar. In your experience, do you think that would be possible or does their API just not support that kind of extra metadata?

I'm happy to PR it in if you think it's doable at all!

marcomorain commented 4 years ago

Hi Oliver, the ex-data does get sent to Rollbar:

This function here grabs the ex-data from any exceptions in the cause chain and merges it into a single map. I might have added that in a more recent version than you are using. I should keep a changelog :)

Can you give the latest (1.0.208) a rattle and see if you get that data?

I also added support for sending the source-code to Rollbar, so you should see the line of code + the 3 lines on either side at each level in the callstack.

marcomorain commented 4 years ago

Here is an item that I have open in a tab with ex-data:


and then in Rollbar:


Olical commented 4 years ago

Oh! Silly me, I should've noticed the lack of source too since I've seen that in some projects now. A large amount of repos means a desync in common deps like this, should've checked that first, my bad.

Thank you for the great features! Sorry to bother you with something I should've easily spotted.

marcomorain commented 4 years ago

It's no problem at all - I'm glad to see that the project is being used by more teams than just us :)