This is a great toolbox. However, I have an issue with circ_corrcl, or perhaps I'm misunderstanding its proper use. When I feed it perfectly correlated data, I do not get rho=1:
ans = .7785
I noticed this while trying to see if I could get a sign for the rho value (which is always positive by the definition in the function). Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of the Zar text available.
This is a great toolbox. However, I have an issue with circ_corrcl, or perhaps I'm misunderstanding its proper use. When I feed it perfectly correlated data, I do not get rho=1:
circ_corrcl(linspace(-pi,pi,1000),linspace(0,10,1000)) ans = .7785
I noticed this while trying to see if I could get a sign for the rho value (which is always positive by the definition in the function). Unfortunately, I don't have a copy of the Zar text available.