circstat / pycircstat

Toolbox for circular statistics with Python
MIT License
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Circular median: might return wrong results #68

Open jxrossel opened 5 years ago

jxrossel commented 5 years ago

The current implementation of the circular median only returns correct results for well-behaved data. In particular, for an even number of data points, the line 141

min_idx = np.argsort(dm)[:2]

will take both points having the smallest left-to-right unbalance without checking that (1) these points are direct neighbours, (2) their unbalances cancel each other, (3) the unbalance is 1 for each, (4) their circular mean is really a median (depending on what is present on the opposite side of the circle, there could be a whole zoology of behaviours between two balancing points).

In addition, the condition

if m > 1:
    warnings.warn('Ties detected in median computation')

doesn't make sense. You can have cases with m>1 without ties, e.g. [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 ], and cases with m==1 and ties, e.g. [ 1, 1.2, 2, 2.2, 1+pi, 1.2+pi, 2+pi, 2.2+pi ].

I have tried to rewrite this function in a simple 1D-arrays case. It works for most cases and returns NaN when facing an unexpected case. The multiple case handling makes it messy though...

def delta_angle(alpha, beta):
    Difference (alpha - beta) around the circle. Input angles do not need to
    be normalized in a given angle interval. Output is in (-pi,pi)
    return np.angle(np.exp(1j * alpha) / np.exp(1j * beta))

def circmedian( alpha ):
    Computes a median direction for circular data. alpha: 1-d array, in radians.
    The algorithm is based
    on finding the diameter that splits the point distribution in two (50% of
    points on each side). The side of the diameter closest to the mean of the
    data is returned. For even data sets, one doesn't guarantee that the returned
    value will fall in the middle of two data points.

    Output in (-pi,pi)

    # Checks
    if alpha.ndim > 1:
        raise Exception( 'circmedian only handles 1D arrays' )

    # inits
    alpha = alpha.ravel()
    n = alpha.size
    is_odd = (n % 2 == 1)
    mean_alpha = circmean( alpha, low=-np.pi, high=np.pi, axis=0 ) # return values in [-pi,pi]
    blnUseClosest = False # use candidate closest to mean if True
    blnUseEps = False # use candidate +- eps if True

    dd = delta_angle( alpha[ :, np.newaxis ], alpha[ np.newaxis, : ] ) # angular distance between all pair of points, in [-pi,pi]
    m1 = np.sum( dd >= 0, 0 ) # For each point, number of points on one side of the point (itself included)
    m2 = np.sum( dd <= 0, 0 ) # number of points on the other side of the point (itself included)
    dm = m1 - m2 # signed unbalance between sides
    dmabs = np.abs( dm )

    min_dm = np.min( dmabs )
    min_ind = np.argwhere( dmabs == min_dm ).squeeze() # 1D array

    if is_odd:
        if min_ind.size > 1:
            # multiple solutions
            blnUseClosest = True

        if min_dm == 1:
            blnUseEps = True
        elif min_dm > 1:
            return np.nan # hopeless

        if min_ind.size == 1:
            # unpaired solution
            if min_dm == 1:
                blnUseEps = True
            elif min_dm > 1:
                return np.nan # hopeless

        elif min_ind.size == 2 and np.sum( dm[ min_ind ] ) != 0:
            # unpaired solution
            blnUseClosest = True

        elif min_ind.size > 2:
            # multiple solutions
            blnUseClosest = True

    if blnUseClosest:
        # Take the closest value to the circular mean.
        # NB: for even number of points, one cannot be certain that the returned solution
        # will be the closest one (only 1 point of the pair of points defining the median will be closest to the mean)
        phase_shift = [ 0, np.pi ] # account for +-pi degeneracy of the median
        ind_closest = [] # index of min_ind
        dist_closest = []
        for shift in phase_shift:
            dist_to_mean = np.abs( delta_angle( alpha[ min_ind ], mean_alpha + shift ) )
            ind_closest.append( np.argmin( dist_to_mean ) )
            dist_closest.append( dist_to_mean[ ind_closest[-1] ] )
        min_ind_closest = min_ind[ ind_closest[ np.argmin( dist_closest ) ] ]

        if is_odd:
            min_ind = [ min_ind_closest ]

        elif dm[ min_ind_closest ] == 0:
            # the closest point is already a solution, although the number of
            # points is even. That means his partner point shares the same value (degenerate)
            min_ind = [ min_ind_closest ]

            # Need to identify the 2nd (non-degenerate) side of the pair.
            side1 = alpha[ min_ind_closest ]
            delta_to_side1 = delta_angle( alpha, side1 )
            sort_ind = np.argsort( delta_to_side1 )
            sorted_delta_to_side1 = delta_to_side1[ sort_ind ]
            ind_next_above = np.argmax( sorted_delta_to_side1 > 0 )
            ind_next_below = np.argmin( sorted_delta_to_side1 < 0 ) - 1

            if dm[ sort_ind[ ind_next_above ] ] == -dm[ min_ind_closest ]: # non-degenerate partner must have opposite sign of unbalance
                min_ind = [ min_ind_closest, sort_ind[ ind_next_above ] ]

            elif dm[ sort_ind[ ind_next_below ] ] == -dm[ min_ind_closest ]:
                min_ind = [ sort_ind[ ind_next_below ], min_ind_closest ]

            elif dmabs[ min_ind_closest ] == 1:
                # Direct neighbours are not balancing partners, but a small
                # shift would be enough
                blnUseEps = True
                min_ind = [ min_ind_closest ]

                # One may have a balancing pair further away from the mean
                # (would need to find it) but min_dm > 1 anyway...
                # A (costly) bisection algorithm could be used if necessary
                return np.nan

    if blnUseEps:
        # If points are not close enough or grouped enough, one
        # might have the case that consecutive balancing partners don't exist!
        # Here, take eps left or right of point (so we get a median, but not halfway between 2 neighbours)
        dd_eps = delta_angle( alpha, alpha[ min_ind ] + np.finfo(float).eps )
        dm_eps = np.sum( dd_eps >= 0 ) - np.sum( dd_eps <= 0 ) # signed unbalance between sides
        if dm_eps == 0:
            med = alpha[ min_ind ] + np.finfo(float).eps
            med = alpha[ min_ind ] - np.finfo(float).eps

        if len( min_ind ) == 1:
            # check that we really have the median
            if dm[ min_ind[0] ] == 0:
                med = alpha[ min_ind[0] ]
                return np.nan            
            # compute the median and check it, because it could not be correct
            # (e.g. if there are intermediate points, if min_dm > 1, ...)
            med = circmean( alpha[ min_ind ] )
            dd_med = delta_angle( alpha, med )
            dm_med = np.sum( dd_med >= 0 ) - np.sum( dd_med <= 0 ) # signed unbalance between sides
            if dm_med != 0:
                return np.nan

    # Remove +-pi degeneracy of median by taking solution closest to mean
    if np.abs( delta_angle( med, mean_alpha ) ) > np.abs( delta_angle( med + np.pi, mean_alpha ) ):
        med += np.pi

    return ( med + np.pi ) % ( 2. * np.pi ) - np.pi # convert to (-pi,pi). NB: % 2pi returns in [0,2pi]
fabiansinz commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the feedback. I suggest we fix the behavior by the following update:

1) If the number of points is odd and there are multiple points that minimize the mean deviation, we raise a warning and return NaN.

2) If the number of points if even and the number of minimizers is > 2, then we raise a warning and return NaN. If the number of minimizers is 2, then they have to be neighboring (because an entire interval between two points will split the dataset into two equal halves). In that case, the circular mean of both will be returned.

I think that should be reasonable and predictable behavior. Do you agree with that @jxrossel ?

jxrossel commented 5 years ago

You're welcome. I could not find a case that wouldn't work with your suggestions. However, I wonder if this approach would be useful, because the number of NaN-returning cases could be important, particularly for ill-behaved data.

While trying to identify challenging test cases, I found another bug in the implementation of the angular difference calculation, as done in the version released on pypi. The left-to-right data point counter, based on the sign of the distance could be screwed. I see now that this has been fixed in the current dev version. Fixing that, I could decrease the number of cases to handle. I leave my version below for anyone interested. It may handle some cases which could never occur theoretically (I haven't found examples for all cases) and contains a few debugging lines. However, I found some multiple-solution cases for which a choice of solution couldn't be based on generic arguments (like "closest to the mean"). I now think that this approach is intrinsically doomed to fail.

I found a discussion here ( pointing toward a more reliable approach based on arc-distance median (minimizing angular distance).

In case of interest:

def delta_angle(alpha, beta):
    Difference (alpha - beta) around the circle. Input angles do not need to
    be normalized in a given angle interval. Output is in (-pi,pi)

    delta = np.angle(np.exp(1j * alpha) / np.exp(1j * beta))

    # for some values, e.g. alpha = beta = 0.49856791, the ratio of the complex numbers is very close to 0 but not zero...!
    if np.ndim( alpha ) == 0 and np.ndim( beta ) == 0:
        if alpha == beta:
            delta = 0.
        delta[ alpha == beta ] = 0.

    return delta

def circmedian( alpha ):
    Computes a median direction for circular data. alpha: 1-d array, in radians.
    Corrected version of pycircstat (simplified for 1D only), where result was depending
    on the order of the input and sometimes completely wrong in special cases
    (e.g. multiple solutions with even number of points). The algorithm is based
    on finding the diameter that splits the point distribution in two (50% of
    points on each side). The side of the diameter closest to the mean of the
    data is returned.

    Output in (-pi,pi)

    for arc distance median vs bisecting median


    # Checks
    if alpha.ndim > 1:
        raise Exception( 'circmedian only handles 1D arrays' )

    # inits
    alpha = alpha.ravel()
    n = alpha.size
    is_odd = (n % 2 == 1)
    mean_alpha = circmean( alpha, low=-np.pi, high=np.pi, axis=0 ) # return values in [-pi,pi]
    blnUseClosest = False # use candidate closest to mean if True
    blnUseClosestPair = False # use pair of balancing candidates closest to mean if True

    dd = delta_angle( alpha[ :, np.newaxis ], alpha[ np.newaxis, : ] ) # angular distance between all pair of points, in [-pi,pi]
    m1 = np.sum( dd >= 0, 0 ) # For each point, number of points on one side of the point (itself included)
    m2 = np.sum( dd <= 0, 0 ) # number of points on the other side of the point (itself included)
    dm = m1 - m2 # signed unbalance between sides
    dmabs = np.abs( dm )

    min_dm = np.min( dmabs )
    min_ind = np.argwhere( dmabs == min_dm ).squeeze( axis=1 ) # 1D array

    case = ''

    if is_odd:
        case += 'odd_'

        if min_dm > 0:
            # Example ???
            case += 'min>0_'
            print( 'NAN ', case, alpha )
            return np.nan # hopeless

        if min_ind.size > 1:
            # multiple solutions
            # Example: [ 1.39079274, 0.17122657, -0.61367729, -2.56454636, 2.70582513]
            case += 'multiple_'
            blnUseClosest = True

        case += 'even_'

        if min_ind.size == 1:
            # Single min. Example???
            case += 'single_'
            if min_dm > 0:
                # NB: if == 0, the min is a solution. 
                # Example ???
                case += 'min>0_'
                print( 'NAN ', case, alpha )
                return np.nan # hopeless

        elif min_ind.size == 2 and np.sum( dm[ min_ind ] ) != 0:
            # unpaired solution
            # Example ???
            case += '2minsUnpaired_'
            print( 'NAN ', case, alpha )
            return np.nan # hopeless

        elif min_ind.size > 2:
            # multiple solutions
            case += 'multiple_'
            blnUseClosest = True

            if min_dm != 0:
                # Reduce candidates to pairs of balancing neighbours
                case += 'seekpairs_'
                pos_subinds = np.argwhere( dm[ min_ind ] > 0 ).squeeze( axis=1 ) # ind of min_ind having positive unbalance
                pos_inds = min_ind[ pos_subinds ] # ind of alpha having minimal positive unbalance
                blnUseClosestPair = True
                pairs = []
                for pos_ind in pos_inds:
                    deltas = dd[ :, pos_ind ]
                    # neighbour above
                    ind_above = np.nonzero( deltas > 0 )[0]
                    ind_next_above = ind_above[ np.argmin( deltas[ ind_above ] ) ] # index of alpha
                    if dm[ ind_next_above ] == -min_dm:
                        pairs.append( [ pos_ind, ind_next_above ] )
                    # neighbour below
                    ind_below = np.nonzero( deltas < 0 )[0]
                    ind_next_below = ind_below[ np.argmax( deltas[ ind_below ] ) ] # index of alpha
                    if dm[ ind_next_below ] == -min_dm:
                        pairs.append( [ pos_ind, ind_next_below ] )
                pairs_means = np.array( [ circmean( alpha[ pair ] ) for pair in pairs ] )

                if not pairs:
                    # Example ???
                    case += 'min>0Unpaired_'
                    print( 'NAN ', case, alpha )
                    return np.nan
                elif len( pairs ) == 1:
                    # E.g. [-0.43404185, -2.27418704, 0.45434327, -1.35741556, -0.32386174, -0.09667212, 0.90291071, -1.83059685, -1.78242314, 2.70070176]
                    case += 'singleValidPair_'
                    blnUseClosest = False
                    min_ind = np.array( pairs[0] )
                # else: # multiple valid pairs. Example: [ 0, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3 ] (degenerate), [ 1, 1.2, 2, 2.2, 1+pi, 1.2+pi, 2+pi, 2.2+pi ] (ties)

    if blnUseClosest:
        # Take the closest value to the circular mean.
        phase_shift = [ 0, np.pi ] # account for +-pi degeneracy of the median
        ind_closest = [] # index of min_ind
        dist_closest = []

        for shift in phase_shift:

            if blnUseClosestPair:
                dist_to_mean = np.abs( delta_angle( pairs_means, mean_alpha + shift ) )
                dist_to_mean = np.abs( delta_angle( alpha[ min_ind ], mean_alpha + shift ) )

            ind_closest.append( np.argmin( dist_to_mean ) )
            dist_closest.append( dist_to_mean[ ind_closest[-1] ] )

        if blnUseClosestPair:
            min_ind = np.array( pairs[ ind_closest[ np.argmin( dist_closest ) ] ] )
            min_ind_closest = min_ind[ ind_closest[ np.argmin( dist_closest ) ] ]

            if is_odd:
                min_ind = np.array( [ min_ind_closest ] )

                # min_dm == 0 (otherwise blnUseClosestPair would be True)
                # the closest point is already a solution, although the number of
                # points is even. That means his partner point shares the same value (degenerate)
                # E.g. alpha = [ 0., 0., ..., 0. ]
                case += 'degenerate_'
                min_ind = np.array( [ min_ind_closest ] )

    if min_ind.size == 1:
        # check that we really have the median
        if dm[ min_ind[0] ] == 0:
            med = alpha[ min_ind[0] ]
            # Example ???
            print( 'NAN ', case, alpha )
            return np.nan            
        # compute the median and check it
        med = circmean( alpha[ min_ind ] )
        dd_med = delta_angle( alpha, med )
        dm_med = np.sum( dd_med >= 0 ) - np.sum( dd_med <= 0 ) # signed unbalance between sides
        if dm_med != 0:
            # Example: [ 3.8163336, -0.34886142, 2.09754686, 1.19611513, -3.72993505, -1.75901783, 4.69444219, 4.05781821, -4.41354647, -0.17710378]
            #          In that case, the used pair is opposite to the mean and wide apart, so that data points on the mean side are crossed when moving from one boundary to the other...
            case += 'circmeanNotMedian_'
            print( 'NAN ', case, alpha )
            return np.nan

    # Remove +-pi degeneracy of median by taking solution closest to mean
    if np.abs( delta_angle( med, mean_alpha ) ) > np.abs( delta_angle( med + np.pi, mean_alpha ) ):
        med += np.pi

    if case not in [ 'odd_', 'even_', 'odd_multiple_', 'even_multiple_seekpairs_singleValidPair_', 'even_multiple_seekpairs_', 'even_multiple_degenerate_' ]:
        print( case, alpha )

    return ( med + np.pi ) % ( 2. * np.pi ) - np.pi # convert to (-pi,pi). NB: % 2pi returns in [0,2pi]
fabiansinz commented 5 years ago

Thanks for the update. Could you fork the dev version and make a pull request with your updated function?