ciriajasa / DED

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C-23-M-G-PM-MOM-0001_Minutes of Meeting #146

Open ciriajasa opened 1 year ago

ciriajasa commented 1 year ago

Follow this Link to Open Folder Document :

1. Kick-of Meeting

2. Weekly Meeting a) Weekly Meeting 01 (01 February 2023): b) Weekly Meeting 02 (08 February 2023): c) Weekly Meeting 03 (15 February 2023): d) Weekly Meeting 04 (22 February 2023): e) Weekly Meeting 05 (01 March 2023): f) Weekly Meeting 06 (08 March 2023): g) Weekly Meeting 07 (15 March 2023): Telah Digantikan Quarterly Meeting h) Weekly Meeting 08 (22 March 2023): Ditiadakan dan bertepatan dengan Libur Nasional Nyepi


i) Weekly Meeting 09 (29 March 2023): Native : PDF :

j) Weekly Meeting 10 (05 April 2023): k) Weekly Meeting 11 (12 April 2023):

l) Weekly Meeting 12 (19 April 2023): CUTI BERSAMA 19-25 APRIL 2023 m) Weekly Meeting 13 (26 April 2023): CUTI BERSAMA IDUL FITRI 2023 n) Weekly Meeting 14 (03 May 2023):


o) Weekly Meeting 15 (10 May 2023): - p) Weekly Meeting 16 (17 May 2023) All Meeting Grand Mecure: q) Weekly Meeting 17 (24 May 2023): r) Weekly Meeting 18 (31 May 2023):


s) Weekly Meeting 19 (07 June 2023): - t) Weekly Meeting 20 (14 June 2023): - u) Weekly Meeting 21 (21 June 2023): - v) Weekly Meeting 22 (28 June 2023):


w) Weekly Meeting 23 (05 July 2023):

3. Technical Meeting a) Technical Meeting 01 (09 February 2023): b) Technical Meeting 02 - Soil Investigation (15 February 2023): c) Technical Meeting 03 - Project Control & DCC (22 February 2023): d) Technical Meeting 04 - Update Project Control & DCC (31 March 2023):

4. Internal Meeting a) Internal Meeting 01 (11 February 2023): b) Internal Meeting 02 (15 February 2023): c) Internal Meeting 03 (25 February 2023): d) Internal Meeting 04 (28 February 2023): d) Internal Meeting 05 (18 March 2023): e) Internal Meeting 06 (01 April 2023): f) Internal Meeting 07 (03 April 2023): g) Internal Meeting 08 (12 April 2023): h) Internal Meeting 09 (15 April 2023): i) Internal Meeting 10 (18 April 2023): j) Internal Meeting 11 (02 May 2023): k) Internal Meeting 12 (19 May 2023): l) Internal Meeting 13 (22 May 2023): m) Internal Meeting 14 (29 May 2023): n) Internal Meeting 15 (30 May 2023): o) Internal Meeting 16 (31 May 2023):

5. Quarterly Meeting Native: PDF:

6. Management Meeting & Technical Meeting a) General Meeting (15 Mei 2023): b) Management Meeting (15 Mei 2023): c) Technical Meeting - Topo and Soil (15 Mei 2023): d) Technical Meeting - Architecture and Civil Structure (16 Mei 2023): e) Technical Meeting - Road and Drainage System (16 Mei 2023): f) Technical Meeting - Mechanical, Electrical and Plumbing (17 Mei 2023):

**Note : Display/view from Microsoft Word will be different from the Display/view of Google Word. To edit native, please download the original file.

ciriajasa commented 1 year ago

MoM Weekly Meeting 08 Feb 23, with Status IFI (Issued For Information) has been summited to Project owner, Transmittal No : Transmittal C-23-M-DED-TS-003 Click to download document Date 12 Feb 2022


ciriajasa commented 1 year ago

MoM Weekly Meeting No.3 15 Feb 23, with Status IFI (Issued For Information) has been summited to Project owner,


ciriajasa commented 1 year ago

MoM Weekly Meeting No.4 22 Feb 23, with Status IFI (Issued For Information) has been summited to Project owner,


ciriajasa commented 1 year ago

MoM Weekly Meeting No.5 01 Mar 23, with Status IFI (Issued For Information) has been summited to Project owner,


Berikut Feedback dari PO mengenai MoM Week ke 5 ini Need for Response Pak @gunawanwb @annacatharinas @kadarismancec @agungsiswahyudi @prabowopho @dionysiustriprijoa

C-23-M-G-PM-MoM-0001_Weekly Meeting W5 - 01 Mar 23_MM Comments.pdf

C-23-M-G-PM-MoM-0001_Weekly Meeting W5_CommentBI_20230326 MA.pptx

Please see below our respond to your related submission:

  1. There looks like to be pillars in the middle of the tipping floor, which would disturb the tipping activity. Within that area, there will be wheel loaders / bobcats going around to help move the waste and so this area needs to be unobstructed. Furthermore, vehicles are supposed to enter from the east side, and there seem to be pillars there too. How can we make sure to protect those pillars? Or change the design to allow that side to be unobstructed from trucks and tricycles coming in/out?
  2. Can we eliminate the central wall? This will allow the bunker to be accessed from either side and increase visibility to which bins are full
  3. The north side wall likely needs to be increased with two considerations: a. Height of the baler machine (Loecky/Mahesa to follow up) b. Height of bale stack of sorted materials. Need to consider size of bale, stack height, and then add at least 2 m clearance above the stack
  4. Please give further considerations on whether this side still allows a forklift with a load to pass through. Are there any more areas to watch out for? Can CEC adjust the alley dimension relative to other building part? The forklift access seems a little bit tight if our traffic is as depicted in blue line. This can be seen in last bottom & especially top alley (orange circled) with the tricycle parking.
  5. What does this dimension represent? If the height of conveyor, it’s likely too high. (if floor is 4m, that implies conveyor belt is 1.58m high?)
  6. For bale load out area, are we considering ramps to make loading easier?
  7. Middle of conveyor line can be used as alley instead of bunker/container in case needed
  8. About the ramp, whether a permanent one or portable?
  9. Must be careful with forklift since it is likely will pass below the vertical/residual conveyor over time. SOP?
  10. Rain water catchment Is there any potential rain water runoff will passing the gutter, due to the roof have long span and it is a big roof catchment area.

Let’s catch up on Wednesday and run through the inquiries and report your current update.

In Bahasa :

  1. Terlihat seperti ada pilar di tengah area pembuangan sampah, yang akan mengganggu aktivitas pembuangan sampah. Di area tersebut, akan ada wheel loader / bobcat yang bergerak untuk membantu memindahkan sampah sehingga area tersebut harus tidak terhalang. Selain itu, kendaraan seharusnya masuk dari sisi timur, dan terlihat ada pilar di sana juga. Bagaimana cara kita memastikan melindungi pilar-pilar tersebut? Atau mengubah desain agar sisi tersebut terbuka dari truk dan tigaroda yang keluar/masuk?
  2. Apakah kita bisa menghilangkan dinding tengah? Ini akan memungkinkan bunker diakses dari kedua sisi dan meningkatkan visibilitas ke mana bak sampah yang penuh
  3. Dinding sisi utara sepertinya perlu ditinggikan dengan dua pertimbangan: a. Tinggi mesin baler (Loecky / Mahesa untuk menindaklanjuti) b. Tinggi tumpukan bale bahan yang sudah dipilah. Perlu mempertimbangkan ukuran bale, tinggi tumpukan, dan menambahkan setidaknya 2 m jarak di atas tumpukan.
  4. Mohon berikan pertimbangan lebih lanjut apakah sisi ini masih memungkinkan untuk dilewati oleh forklift dengan beban. Apakah ada area lain yang perlu diawasi? Apakah CEC dapat menyesuaikan dimensi lorong relatif terhadap bagian bangunan lainnya? Akses forklift terlihat agak sempit jika lalu lintas kami seperti yang digambarkan dalam garis biru. Hal ini dilihat pada lorong terakhir di bagian bawah & terutama atas (lingkaran oranye) dengan parkir roda tiga
  5. Apa yang diwakili oleh dimensi ini? Jika ketinggian conveyor, kemungkinan terlalu tinggi. (jika lantai adalah 4m, itu berarti belt conveyor setinggi 1,58m?)
  6. Untuk area bale load out, apakah kita mempertimbangkan pembuatan ramp untuk memudahkan pengambilan barang?
  7. Bagian tengah jalur conveyor dapat digunakan sebagai gang jika diperlukan, bukan bunker / kontainer
  8. Mengenai ramp, apakah permanen atau portabel?
  9. Harus berhati-hati dengan forklift karena kemungkinan akan melewati di bawah conveyor vertikal / residual dari waktu ke waktu. SOP?
  10. Daerah tangkapan air hujan Apakah ada potensi limpasan air hujan akan melewati selokan, akibat dari atap yang memiliki rentang yang panjang dan merupakan daerah tangkapan atap yang besar.
ciriajasa commented 1 year ago

MoM Weekly Meeting No.6 08 Mar 23, with Status IFI (Issued For Information) has been summited to Project owner,


ciriajasa commented 1 year ago

Dear All TA, Berikut Feedback dari Quarterly Meeting 14 Mar 23 Grend Mercure, @gunawanwb @prabowopho @dionysiustriprijoa @annacatharinas @agungsiswahyudi @kadarismancec

Thank you for attending our 03 Quarterly meeting in Malang and presenting your current update as in the link below:

Further to your presentation, please find our comments as following: • Pastikan penempatan tempat parkir dan WWTP sudah memperhitungkan Peta topografi baru, di mana area landfill sudah semakin besar; • Perlu mengukur kedalaman kolam di selatan untuk mengetahui seberapa banyak tanah yang diperlukan apabila perlu untuk diuruk; • Cek ulang peta topo dan pengujian tanah DCP/ CPT karena bagian utara-barat sudah dilakukan pengerukan dan penimbunan kembali oleh pegawai TPST; • Ciriajasa perlu mendesain berdasarkan hidrologi ke mana air akan dibuang; • Komunikasikan ke tim TPST agar tidak melakukan perubahan tanah lagi sampai aktivitas desain sudah selesai; • Parking material using paving stones instead of concrete; • We reduce number of tricycle to 80% capacity. Potentially can reduce the parking area by 80% - Update number of tricycle is 244 unit; • Loecky to check tricycle parking size based on the tricycle dimension - Length of the tricycle is 3.6 m and the width is 1.4 m; • Find ways to reduce the office building

Please follow up our comments above and let us know if you have any further question.

As mentioned also during quarterly meeting, BI team also expect Ciriajasa could issue immediately the preliminary cost estimation/BoQ of Paras for the construction.

Please update on that request.