cirocosta / monero-operator

A Kubernetes-native way of deploying Monero nodes and even whole networks: express your intention and let Kubernetes run it for you.
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tor: circuit rotation? #5

Open cirocosta opened 3 years ago

cirocosta commented 3 years ago

it's currently very easy to do so for hidden service ingress (kill the proxy pod and let the replicaset reconciler create another one), but there might be the opportunity for making that configurable (if desirable), like:

  enabled: true
  rotateCircuits: 24h

which could then be either a pod self-destruction mechanism (easy peasy), or a sidecar that makes a request to the control port over loopback to order a new circuit establishment (not too hard as it's just a matter of leveraging their text-protocol based interface. could perhaps be a separate command for tornetes?)