ciromattia / kcc

KCC (a.k.a. Kindle Comic Converter) is a comic and manga converter for ebook readers.
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webtoon Source directory is empty #452

Open xMonTersx opened 1 year ago

xMonTersx commented 1 year ago

I have used KCC for long time. But recently I got an error call "Source directory is empty". But there are number of images file in the selected directory.

I dont know why, could anyone help me with this I attatched some of my screenshot image image

paolovinoya commented 1 year ago

Since you were only converting a single directory, have you tried to compress to cbz and try again?

xMonTersx commented 1 year ago

Since you were only converting a single directory, have you tried to compress to cbz and try again?

Yes, I had already done that and nothing help. I even try to convert image to png or something else. But it did not work

paolovinoya commented 1 year ago

Just chiming in to help out. I'm not an admin.

I'm not sure if this is anything to do with kcc or anything. If the file/directory is empty, it's definitely empty. Your screenshot of your explorer indicated a "visualized" display of the location, but not showing the full path.

We're still guessing what else could be the problem. It could be with the spacing of the directory path. If you could try to simplify the path that does not include spaces, we could eliminate misspellings or double spaces. Try to provide a screenshot of the command dir, while you're in the directory D:\Manhwa\girls's secret\Chuong 24 End\.


D:\Manhwa\girls's secret>cd "Chuong 2 End"

D:\Manhwa\girls's secret\Chuong 2 End>dir
 Volume in drive D is Compounds
 Volume Serial Number is XXXX-YYYY

 Directory of D:\Manhwa\girls's secret\Chuong 2 End

01/06/2023  06:47 PM    <DIR>          .
01/06/2023  06:46 PM    <DIR>          ..
01/06/2023  09:39 AM           540,043 001.jpg
01/06/2023  09:39 AM           540,043 002.jpg
01/06/2023  09:39 AM           540,043 003.jpg
               3 File(s)      1,620,129 bytes
               2 Dir(s)  205,817,393,152 bytes free
xMonTersx commented 1 year ago

@paolovinoya You mean this image As you can see, there are images in this folder @@

paolovinoya commented 1 year ago

Is it necessary to keep the apostrophe on your directory? It could lead to string termination issues.


Is your computer using Windows permissions? Try checking if the directory is set with permissions that an application cannot enter or browse through. icacls "D:\Manhwa\girls's secret\Chuong 24 End\"

xMonTersx commented 1 year ago

@paolovinoya I rename all with the no space and no special characters, and nothing work. image image I found that this error only happen in webtoon mode, everything will go well in manga mode image

paolovinoya commented 1 year ago

The errors are probably found on the console. Try a command line to see any errors thrown out into the console.

kcc-c2e -p K34 -w --forcecolor "D:\dir\location\of\manga" These settings provided are the exact switches that you chose on the GUI. -w - Webtoon --forcecolor - Color mode -p K34 and using profile Kindle Paperwhite 3/4

If no errors, try also another commandline tool

kcc-c2p -y 1448 -m -d This command will throw out debug files on which image it will plan to crop/cut to compile into the epub/mobi file.