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On github, how can I view the location of the code modified by others? #11

Open Gerrie-Cui opened 3 years ago

Gerrie-Cui commented 3 years ago

Dear Ciro Santilli: I have a problem again. Forgive my weak knowledge. This problem may not be very related to gem5. But I can't think of anyone else to ask? This is the situation. I am reading a paper, this paper uses gem5 to do some things, and then upload what it does (call it A) to github. Another person downloaded A, then made some modifications on A (called B after the modification), and then uploaded it to his own warehouse. But I want to know what changes A made on gem5 and what changes B made on A. But I guess they did not fork, and then changed on the basis of fork. So when I look at their commit record. I found that A’s submission record included all files as new additions (It marks all the original gem5 files as newly added. but I want to know what changes it has made compared to the original gem5). And B's commit record does not seem to see any key file records.

The address of A is: B’s address is: stack overflow : I want to know if there is any way to make me see what changes they have made? Thanks you. best regards

cirosantilli2 commented 3 years ago

I've left a comment there. Make sure to always give as much context as possible on Stack Overflow, e.g. it would have been good to also give the example repositories in there, this will reduce changes of downvotes :-)

The change they made are likely going to be in the new commits to that repo, right? Except for the huge commit that imports the source. Unless they just didn't track anything properly, and just mixed up their changes with the mainline, then there's not simple solution. The missing question is how to find what is the base commit, which I don't have an amazing answer for.