cirrahn / foundry-polmap

A political map overlay module for Foundry VTT.
MIT License
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Shading areas only works on first click #14

Closed tsnouffer closed 10 months ago

tsnouffer commented 10 months ago

When I click on my map after Enabling the tool only the first click creates a shaded hex. Subsequent clicks do not create the shading. Similarly, when using the eraser tool only the first click will erase the shading from a hex. Subsequent clicks do not erase shading.

Testing included turning off all other modules. Running in Foundry 11.311


tsnouffer commented 10 months ago

In checking the Console, these messages appear after doing that first click.


cirrahn commented 10 months ago

What version of polmap are you using?

tsnouffer commented 10 months ago

Hi there. Appears to be 2.1.0. Just installed yesterday.


cirrahn commented 10 months ago

That error would suggest you're not using Socketlib, which is a dependency. Do you have Socketlib installed/enabled? And if so, what version?

tsnouffer commented 10 months ago

Bingo! I had Socket lib installed but not enabled. Rats. Sorry I missed that.

Last two questions if you don’t mind . . .

1) can you tell me what this Marker Tool is for? I can’t figure out its function.


2) Do you have a Kofi or something where I can send you a gratuity for developing the module and helping me troubleshoot?

cirrahn commented 10 months ago

That button is a "placeholder," the "marker tool" is the only tool and so it is always active.

I do have a barebones Patreon (linked in the repo sidebar) but as I work on this/other projects in fits and starts it would be dishonest of me to expect support. I appreciate the thought all the same!

With Socketlib active, is this issue solved? And are #15 and #16 still issues for you?

tsnouffer commented 10 months ago

Got it.

Yes, activating Socket lib seems to resolve all the issues I was experiencing.