cirruslabs / cirrus-ci-agent

Agent to execute Cirrus CI tasks
Mozilla Public License 2.0
13 stars 6 forks source link

Rate-limit signal reporting #227

Closed edigaryev closed 2 years ago

edigaryev commented 2 years ago

Found a huge agent log with a bunch of entries like:

2022/04/02 08:52:57 Captured broken pipe...
2022/04/02 08:52:57 Captured broken pipe...
2022/04/02 08:52:57 Captured broken pipe...
2022/04/02 08:52:57 Captured broken pipe...
2022/04/02 08:52:57 Captured broken pipe...
2022/04/02 08:52:57 Captured broken pipe...
2022/04/02 08:52:57 Captured broken pipe...
2022/04/02 08:52:57 Captured broken pipe...
2022/04/02 08:52:57 Captured broken pipe...

Even through it's still unclear what causes this (the agent in question was used to develop, it makes sense to limit signal reporting just in case.