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Error when downloading rcfss #168

Closed sizhenf closed 3 years ago

sizhenf commented 3 years ago

Hi everyone,

I ran into this error message when trying to download rcfss from github.

My Code:

install.packages("tidyverse") # install tidyverse packages
library(tidyverse)            # load tidyverse packages, including ggplot2
library(knitr)                # load functions for formatting tables

# get data from rcfss package
# install latest version if not already installed
install.packages("devtools")       # install devtools

Everything works fine until the command


And the error message I got says

> devtools::install_github("uc-cfss/rcfss")
Downloading GitHub repo uc-cfss/rcfss@HEAD
Error in utils::download.file(url, path, method = method, quiet = quiet,  : 
  download from '' failed

I've tried both with and without a VPN so it's probably not a network issue. Any ideas on how might I solve this?

Thanks! Serena

bensoltoff commented 3 years ago

You should already have rcfss installed from the in-class assignments. You don't need to install it again as long as it is already present. As for that error, it might have been an issue accessing the GitHub server to download the package. Try again and see if it works now.

sizhenf commented 3 years ago

Thank you very much, Professor Soltoff!