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Test #185

Closed reillyoflaherty closed 2 years ago

reillyoflaherty commented 3 years ago

Copy the code below to generate a reproducible example

using the reprex package. Once you generate it, post it on



> Attaching package: 'dplyr'

> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':


> filter, lag

> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':


> intersect, setdiff, setequal, union


get data from rcfss package

install latest version if not already installed



load the data

data("mass_shootings") mass_shootings

> # A tibble: 114 x 14

> case year month day location summary fatalities injured total_victims


> 1 Dayt… 2019 Aug 4 Dayton,… "PENDI… 9 27 36

> 2 El P… 2019 Aug 3 El Paso… "PENDI… 20 26 46

> 3 Gilr… 2019 Jul 28 Gilroy,… "Santi… 3 12 15

> 4 Virg… 2019 May 31 Virgini… "DeWay… 12 4 16

> 5 Harr… 2019 Feb 15 Aurora,… "Gary … 5 6 11

> 6 Penn… 2019 Jan 24 State C… "Jorda… 3 1 4

> 7 SunT… 2019 Jan 23 Sebring… "Zephe… 5 0 5

> 8 Merc… 2018 Nov 19 Chicago… "Juan … 3 0 3

> 9 Thou… 2018 Nov 7 Thousan… "Ian D… 12 22 34

> 10 Tree… 2018 Oct 27 Pittsbu… "Rober… 11 6 17

> # … with 104 more rows, and 5 more variables: location_type , male ,

> # age_of_shooter , race , prior_mental_illness

Generate a bar chart that identifies the number of mass shooters

associated with each race category. The bars should be sorted

from highest to lowest.

using reorder() and aggregating the data before plotting

mass_shootings %>% count(race) %>% drop_na(race) %>% ggplot(mapping = aes(x = reorder(race, -n), y = n)) + geom_col() + labs( title = "Mass shootings in the United States (1982-2019)", x = "Race of perpetrator", y = "Number of incidents" )

> Error in drop_na(., race): could not find function "drop_na"