cis-ds / dataviz

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Course schedule #1

Closed bensoltoff closed 7 years ago

bensoltoff commented 7 years ago


  1. Basics of data
  2. Principles of data visualization
    • Tamara's book?
    • Cairo?
    • Tufte?
    • Theory of perception and cognition
  3. Grammar of graphics and ggplot2
  4. Exploratory data analysis with graphics
  5. Visualizations and statistical learning models
    • Regression diagnostics
    • Visualizing models
  6. Interactivity
    • htmlwidgets
    • Dashboards in R
    • Shiny apps
  7. D3.js
    • Basics
    • Demonstrate examples
    • Practice building D3.js versions of static graphs
  8. More D3.js
  9. ???
  10. Final project presentations
bensoltoff commented 7 years ago

Tentative schedule

Date Day Topic Readings Assignment
Mar. 27 M Basic principles of visualization TA Ch 1, 2, 5; Munzer Ch 1, 2
Mar. 29 W Simple charts TA Ch 6, 7
Apr. 3 M Design and evaluation TA Ch 2-4; Tufte (any and all)
Apr. 5 W Grammar of graphics and ggplot2 R4DS Ch 1-3 (+ anything else needed to catch up in R); Wickham article
Apr. 10 M Designers vs. engineers FA Ch 3
Apr. 12 W Multivariate data visualization TA Ch 8-9
Apr. 17 M Graphical perception and cognition FA Ch 5-7
Apr. 19 W Exploratory data analysis
Apr. 24 M Rules of thumb Munzer Ch 6
Apr. 26 W Statistical learning models ISLR Ch 3 (regression diagnostics)
May 1 M Interactivity (theory)
May 3 W Interactivity in R htmlwidgets, Shiny,
May 8 M Geospatial visualization TA Ch 10; Munzer Ch 8, 10
May 10 W Introduction to D3 Murray Ch ???
May 15 M Network visualization Munzer Ch 9
May 17 W More D3 Murray Ch ???
May 22 M Text visualization
May 24 W Effective presentations Like this
May 29 M No class (Memorial Day)
May 31 W Final project presentations