cis-ds / dataviz

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Class today, April 24 #37

Closed bensoltoff closed 7 years ago

bensoltoff commented 7 years ago

Hello all,

You were supposed to submit proposals for your final projects by last Friday. So far I have received 6 proposals. I still need proposals from the remaining 5 students (if you are working with a partner, please just submit one proposal). I want to meet with each of you to discuss your final project, as well as give you time to work on your experiment for the second assignment and troubleshoot any problems (e.g. research design, experimental protocol, mechanics of getting the Qualtrics survey and MTurk HITs setup).

Class today will be workshop-style. Attendance is expected of everyone. From 1:30-2:50, you will come to class to work on your experiments/final projects and bounce problems off one another. I will be available from 1-4:30pm to meet with students individually in my office to discuss your plans for your final project and help to troubleshoot any specific problems with assignment 2. During class, you can duck out to come meet with me or if there are major problems that are effecting your experiments I can come back to the classroom to help troubleshoot. I would like to meet with everyone by the end of the day. If you are working with a partner on your experiment or the final project, come speak with me together.

If you have any questions, post a reply here or email me individually. Again, if you have not yet submitted your final project proposal you need to do so by 1pm.

bensoltoff commented 7 years ago

And as a reminder, all final projects need to be version-controlled using Git. Create your project repo by going to this link if you have not done so already.