cis-ds / dataviz

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Final project presentations and peer reviewers #64

Open bensoltoff opened 7 years ago

bensoltoff commented 7 years ago

Below are the assignments for final project presentations. Peer reviewers are listed as the sub-bullets. So for example, Dana is presenting on May 24th and Jonathan is her peer-reviewer.

For presenters

Prepare a 5-10 minute presentation outlining the research question/topic of the project and reviewing the visualization approach for the project. Explain any major design considerations you made during the development of the project and be prepared to defend why it meets Cairo's five key qualities of data visualizations. Be prepared to answer questions from me and your peers about the visualization and receive critiques or suggestions for how you could improve the visualization before final submission.

For peer-reviewers

Prepare a 500+ word critique of the visualization. Remember that critiques are not just negative criticism. You will be expected to contribute to the discussion and Q&A in-class, though myself and your colleagues will also be asking questions. Be sure to post your written critique as an issue on your peer's GitHub repo.

Presentation schedule

Presenting on May 24th

Presenting on May 31st