cis3296f24 / Section3ProjectPresentation

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Aero Scan #13

Open jayhaych02 opened 3 days ago

jayhaych02 commented 3 days ago - Slideshow for Presentation & Proof of Concept Video are included

Project Abstract

AeroScan is a simulated autonomous security patrol drone designed to navigate predefined areas, detect intruders, and avoid obstacles using sensors like 2D LiDAR and an Intel RealSense depth camera. The simulation will be built in Gazebo, integrated with ROS2 Humble for sensor processing, navigation, and obstacle avoidance. PX4 SITL will be utilized for simulating the drone's flight dynamics, allowing for realistic command execution, such as takeoff and landing. This project focuses on developing a fully simulated environment where the drone patrols a security area, detects intruders, and sends real-time sensor data for analysis.

Conceptual Design

  1. Intel RealSense Depth Camera:

Simulation Environment:

Key Features:

Proof of Concept Proof of concept is verifying that the PX4 SITL simulated drone taking off via the px4 shell “px4>” inside a ROS2 Humble Linux virtual machine works.

Background This project builds on current trends in autonomous drones used for security patrols and surveillance. Similar commercial solutions are either closed-source or prohibitively expensive due to the use of complex hardware and software. AeroScan focuses on using affordable components like 2D LiDAR and simulated environments to reduce costs and make security patrol systems accessible.

Required Resources

Software Resources:

chiikugo commented 5 hours ago

Never worked with hardware, but from your demo, I think this would be a really interesting project to work on. The simulation you launched in class and even to working on the drone is a new experience for many of us.

Would love to work on the automation of this project!