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Personalized Budgeting App Using Machine Learning #17

Open stellakjs opened 3 days ago

stellakjs commented 3 days ago

Project Abstract

The budgeting app is designed to empower users to take control of their finances by providing a personalized, adaptive budgeting experience. With a focus on helping users reach their savings goals, the app utilizes machine learning to analyze spending habits and create customized budget plans. Users can set financial goals, and the app intelligently allocates spending categories, continuously adapting the budget to optimize savings and reduce unhealthy spending patterns.

The app also includes an emotional spending tracker, allowing users to log their emotions when making purchases. By analyzing these emotional inputs, the app helps users understand the impact of emotions on their financial behavior, offering visual insights through easy-to-understand graphs that reveal emotional spending trends. This feature encourages positive behavior changes by making users more aware of the emotional drivers behind their spending.

Additionally, this project incorporates a speech-to-text feature using Wit.AI’s API to enable seamless interaction through natural language processing. Users can speak their spending details, such as and the app will process this information, breaking it down into specific amounts and categories. By leveraging Django as the backend framework, the application allows users to input their spending through voice and have it accurately logged and categorized.

Conceptual Design The design concept for the budgeting app is a web-based application that utilizes a combination of front-end and back-end technologies, along with machine learning components to deliver a personalized user experience. The overall architecture will be divided into three main parts: the user interface, the backend server, and the machine learning module. Software Architecture

Database • A SQL database like SQLite will be used to store user information, spending data, emotional tags, and model outputs. This will ensure data is well-organized and accessible for analysis.

Background The proposed budgeting app uses machine learning for adaptive budgeting, emotional spending analysis, and an AI-powered chatbot for personalized guidance. There are apps in the market which features similar budgeting tools but lack adaptive machine learning and emotional analysis. Apps like Mint Tracks spending but lacks adaptive features. The app adjusts budgets automatically, or PocketGuars shows spendable money but lacks emotional insights. This app links emotions to spending and provides a over insights on how emotions affect spending. The app will combine adaptive budgeting, emotional analysis, and AI to offer a unique, personalized financial experience. Required Resources This Project will require resources which includes Django for backend development, React for front-end user interface, SQLite for the database, and Jupyter Notebook for exploratory data analysis and machine learning model training. Machine learning libraries like pandas, scikit-learn, and joblib will be used for data manipulation and model deployment. APIs include the Wit.Ai for natural language processing. Additional tools include VS Code or PyCharm for development and GitHub for version control.

Proof of concept Slide