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SkillPoint #23

Open chiikugo opened 5 hours ago

chiikugo commented 5 hours ago


Skill point allows users to track their hobby growth and mood over a daily, weekly, monthly period. It’s a way to keep an archive of the growth of that person’s hobbies and to see if they align with them on a long term basis. We can do weekly/ monthly checkins on how the user feels and see if there are ways to increase/decrease frequency. Users can compete with their friends whether it’s streaks, or posting to their profile. Whether to motivate them or gain inspiration from their own posts.


For front-end, I want to use React-Native and expo. React-native will allow the application to be launched on either iOS or Android. For backend, For database, authentication. I would like to use the Firebase Suite. It’s easier on our small user base and we can deploy all of these things at once and keep things in tracks.


This product will essentially have a daily post feature taht allows uers to grade how wel lthey enjoyed their hobby for that day. (great, okay, terrible) will be able to check in with friends, and view your growth over periods of time. You can check in with your self and view how you are growing mentally and skill wise with your hobbies. We can make it fun and a bit competitive if you want to engage with it that way. It's to have healthy habits and learn from your peers.

Screenshot 2024-10-09 at 10 07 44 PM

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